Davison offers our clients an informative experience that utilizes our technology and leverages our dedicated team of project managers, designers, builders, and licensing agents who walk with inventors down the path of turning their idea into a product or app.

1 Idea Security Agreement
Our experience starts with the confidentiality of your idea. It is important to us to make sure that you and your idea are protected. A signed Idea Security Agreement is a legally binding document that guarantees that our team will not disclose your idea to anyone without your permission.

2 Pre-development
After we guarantee your confidentiality, pre-development is an important step in your experience. We look for similar technology, products or apps on the market and patents on similar concepts.

3 Brainstorming
Brainstorming is a critical and fundamental component of Davison’s inventing method. This process is to discover a solution to the problem being solved by the invention with an eye towards making the item cost-effective to manufacture.

4 Ideation Sketch
After we brainstorm for a cost-effective solution, our team creates an ideation sketch, which is a 2-d rendering that breathes more life into an idea. The sketches are great communication tools, and help narrow the issues that surround cost-effective manufacturing considerations before a concept model is created.

5 Concept Model
A concept model is a preliminary 3D working model based on the ideation sketch. In app development, the equivalent to a concept model is a wireframe diagram, which reflects the various types of functions and screens to be incorporated in the app. Each model serves as a gauge for functionality and ease of use for the end user. In gaining knowledge of a functioning model, changes can be noted for production and engineering.

6 Product Design
The products are designed with engineering software to create technical drawings which are used to implement Davison’s inventing method.

7 Package Design
After the packaging is designed, graphics are created to showcase functions and maximize appeal to the end customer. In the case of an app, graphics are designed for an app store sales display page.

8 Virtual 3D Rendering
After changes are noted, a virtual 3D rendering is created for our client’s approval. The 3D virtual rendering represents what the actual product sample and packaging will look like. The drawings are transferred to machines that can create the components needed to make a product sample. For apps, a similar method applies, except, the wireframe is utilized for approval before moving into the development of the final app.

9Product Sample
With a product sample created, we prepare to speak with a company about potential licensing opportunities. In the case of apps, the inventor is given access to a test version of the app for approval and then we begin the process of placing an app into the market for downloads.