Travel Folding Stitcher’s Tools Featured in “Sew Beautiful!”

The innovative Travel Folding Stitcher’s Tools that we created for Prym is featured on the “Sewing Goods & Gadgets” page of Sew Beautiful, the leading American magazine devoted to heirloom sewing, smocking and the fine needle arts. Titled “Stitch and Go,” the write-up states the tool is great for travel and is “a clever little …
Read moreInventor’s Silicone Dessert Bar Pan a Hit

Our client, Joseph, was surprised and excited to hear that his bakeware invention is for sale in a popular home solutions catalog, as well as in two large housewares store chains. He was even more excited to learn that it will air on QVC this fall and is also under review by a major upscale …
Read moreDavison-designed Silicone Dessert Bar Pan is on the market!

The Silicone Dessert Bar Pan that we created for our client, Joseph, is now on the market and our website! The innovative bakeware is featured in the latest issue of the popular catalog, Get Organized, as well as on Get It looks like the product is getting off to a great start — QVC has already ordered samples for …
Read moreDavison-designed Meatball Baker featured in store of “national digital guru!”

The Meatball Baker, which we designed for our client, Jean, is now for sale in Kim’s Store on!! Kim Komando has evolved into a national digital guru and operates a growing media empire. Her weekly three-hour call-in talk radio show is heard on over 450 stations, she sends out close to 10 million e-mail newsletters …
Read moreBetter Bobbin Winder and Petite Press in Kmart!

The Better Bobbin Winder and the Petite Press that we developed for Prym’s Dritz line are now selling in Kmart! The products have really taken off since they were launched in JoAnn stores. We designed the Bobbin Winder for a client who wanted a quick and convenient way to fill bobbins directly from the sewing machine. …
Read moreMeatball Baker featured on design super-site Core77

Core77, a global gathering point for designers and enthusiasts, has featured the Meatball Baker, aka Perfect Meatball, in its Gallery of New Products from the 2010 International Home and Housewares Show. View the Meatball Baker below as it is being “seen on TV,” as well as the Core77 gallery page that includes the Davison-designed bakeware …
Read moreMeatball Baker, aka Perfect Meatball, ad coming to TV!

The popular Meatball Baker that we developed for our client, Jean, is returning to television – this time as an “as seen on TV” product! The ad, created by the company promoting the bakeware, demonstrates all the great features of the “Perfect Meatball.” With a new insert the pan also can be used to make …
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