History Tuesday: The Lawnmower
History Tuesday: The Car Wash

Since April is National Car Care Month, we would be completely remiss if we didn’t honor an American institution: the car wash. As the weather gets nicer every day, and we Spring clean our house and care for our lawns; it’s only natural that we want to give our ride a spiffy wash and wax, …
Read moreHistory Tuesday: The Invention of Rockets

April has an important place in space history since two seminal events happened in this month. First, on April 12, 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human in space, traveling aboard the Soviet spacecraft Vostok I to an altitude of 187 miles above the earth. Then, exactly twenty years later, on April 12, …
Read moreHistory Tuesday: The Invention of Baseball

With the advent of Spring comes the much anticipated opening day of baseball. Baseball is the quintessential American game, so much so that it is linked in a triumvirate with Mom and Apple Pie as the essence of Americana. As April begins, now is the time to start rooting for the home team and dreaming …
Read moreHistory Tuesday: The History of “Ham” Radio

Among other things, April is International Amateur Radio month. Amateur radio, often called “ham” radio, is where “hams” (ie, amateur radio enthusiasts) use different types of radio communications equipment to communicate with other radio amateurs for fun, but also for some public services like disasters (it’s said that a Welsh ham radio operator named Artie …
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