Inventor Stories

Defiant Design: The Wright Brothers’ First Flight Flew Above Criticism

Defiant Design: The Wright Brothers’ First Flight Flew Above Criticism

At Davison, we encourage people with ideas to pursue their dreams and create … A Better Way. Inventing is no easy task, and there are many hurdles standing in the way of budding creators — oftentimes a naysayer. Overcoming negative reactions to your idea can be difficult. But the Wright brothers didn’t let Thomas Edison …

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Fireman’s Inventionland Tour Sparks Many New Ideas

Fireman’s Inventionland Tour Sparks Many New Ideas

For our client, George, it was sheer coincidence that first led him to Inventionland… but, there were many things that have kept him coming back! “I found Inventionland by accident.  My boss sent me to RIDC Park to pick up a part.  [When I saw Inventionland], I snapped a picture and in two to three …

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Inventor of Hydro Bone Praises Cast of ‘Dare to Invent’

Inventor of Hydro Bone Praises Cast of ‘Dare to Invent’

Every now and again we receive correspondence from some of our clients, which is always a great thing.  They are usually checking in on their products, asking some questions or simply dropping a line to give us a nice pat on the back. And what a pat on the back this email from Diane DiRaimo, …

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Meet Diana, Inventor of the Gel Pet Mat

Meet Diana, Inventor of the Gel Pet Mat

Our client, Diana, was a small town girl turned southern supermom and now… she’s an inventor! Over a decade ago, while the divorced Georgia mother of two teenage boys was working for a Honda factory, she was also hard at work at home trying to devise a way to keep her miniature dachshund, Ripley, warm …

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‘The Balancing Act’ Embraces the Hard Edge Surrounding the Silicone Dessert Bar Pan

‘The Balancing Act’ Embraces the Hard Edge Surrounding the Silicone Dessert Bar Pan

George Davison (CEO & Founder of Davison) and the inventor of the Silicone Dessert Bar Pan Joseph Springer (as part of his Dare to Invent episode) will be featured on the next episode of Lifetime’s “The Balancing Act,” America’s premier one-hour women’s morning show dedicated to creating trusted solutions for today’s woman. Mr. Davison and …

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“Dare to Invent” Caps Off Season One with a Twist!

“Dare to Invent” Caps Off Season One with a Twist!

It’s nearly time to say “so long” to season 1 of our innovative “Dare to Invent” webisode series; but, before we send it swirling into history, we’re capping it off with the twisted tale of toilet bolt success! Tonight’s webisode, the 13th and final episode in the first season of “Dare to Invent,” features Pennsylvania’s own …

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“Dare to Invent” Pours Over the Creation of the Brownie Bowl

“Dare to Invent” Pours Over the Creation of the Brownie Bowl

Grab a half cup of flour, one cup of water, 2 eggs and lots of creativity!  This week’s all-new “Dare to Invent” episode hits the kitchen to whip up some exciting baking innovation. Tonight’s webisode is the twelfth in our 13-episode series and features Christine Walker, inventor of the Brownie Bowl – a delicious dessert …

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Davison Dads: EMS Marine, Inventor and Father Demands a Hard Edge

Davison Dads: EMS Marine, Inventor and Father Demands a Hard Edge

Marines are tough and their brownies should be as well, at least according to Davison inventor Joe Springer. Joe preferred the crispy edges of his baked goods so much that he would pilfer the crusty corners of his family’s freshly baked brownies. “I would cut around the edges and my wife and mother in-law would …

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“Dare to Invent” Refreshes Your Pet!

“Dare to Invent” Refreshes Your Pet!

Springtime sunshine has just begun to prepare us for the dehydration dangers that hot, summer sun can pose to our pets.  However, have no fear, a new “Dare to Invent” webisode is here with a refreshing solution! Tonight’s webisode is the tenth in our 13-episode series and features Diane DiRaimo, inventor of the Hydro Bone, …

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Pittsburgh’s Lost Future City… From Creationeer Extraordinaire, Lucky

Pittsburgh’s Lost Future City… From Creationeer Extraordinaire, Lucky

Although Pittsburgh recently has been named the new “In” city by The Washington Post, it has taken many, many years of redevelopment and progress to go from a city on the verge of implosion, with the mass exodus of the steel industry, to a hub for medicine, technology and industry. The center of the American steel …

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