Inventor Stories

The Twisted History of the Pretzel

The Twisted History of the Pretzel

Whether salted or unsalted, crunchy or soft, there is one common characteristic that all pretzels share: their distinctive knotted shape. On April 26, we celebrate National Pretzel Day, so what better time to look back on the origin of the tasty pretzel? The pretzel has a rather “twisted” history, as there are several accounts regarding …

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Tonight, “Dare to Invent” Gets “D-licious!”

Tonight, “Dare to Invent” Gets “D-licious!”

On tonight’s new “Dare to Invent” webisode, our inventor and Creationeers are really having a ball… meatballs, actually!   The sixth in our 13-episode series features Jean Rindfuss, inventor of the Meatball Baker.  The tasty episode is live now on YouTube and at! An avid cook and loving mother and grandmother, Jean tries to make …

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Celebrating Leonardo Da Vinci with Creationeer Extraordinaire, Lucky

Celebrating Leonardo Da Vinci with Creationeer Extraordinaire, Lucky

In commemoration of the very multi-talented innovator, Leonardo Da Vinci’s birthday, which is this Sunday, April 15th, we asked our very own Creationeer extraordinaire, Lucky, for this thoughts on the famed creator: Even a great man is still a regular Joe. Or in this case, Leo.   Leonardo Da Vinci was history’s greatest polymath: sculptor, …

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Tonight, “Dare to Invent” Goes California Dreaming!

Tonight, “Dare to Invent” Goes California Dreaming!

Tonight, again, we beg the question, do you… “Dare to Invent?” when we feature the fifth in our 13-episode “Dare to Invent” series on YouTube and at  This week’s webisode is live now and features John Iavarone, inventor of the BikeBoard. In tonight’s episode, the California native faces an “X-treme” problem:  Trying to ride a …

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Davison Team Makes a Royal Visit to St. Louis!

Davison Team Makes a Royal Visit to St. Louis!

Recenty, Mr. Davison and our production team made a “royal” visit in St. Louis!  While the pictures are breathtaking, the purpose of the trip to the Midwest was to surprise our client, Lennell, with the very first royalty check from her invention, the TheraPED. Lennell’s TheraPED is an innovative spa-therapy product that she came up …

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Women’s History Month: “Spanx” to Female Inventors Everywhere!

Women’s History Month: “Spanx” to Female Inventors Everywhere!

As you may or may not be aware, March is the month where we celebrate all of the glorious contributions that females have made to the world.  It’s Women’s History Month and this year’s theme is Women’s Eduction – Women’s Empowerment! This year’s theme is thanks to a very recent phenomenon… the number of women …

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“Dare to Invent” is Back and Better to Tether?!

“Dare to Invent” is Back and Better to Tether?!

It’s time again to release another exciting “Dare to Invent” webisode!  The fourth in our 13-episode “Dare to Invent” series is set to air on YouTube and at, tonight at 7:00 p.m. This week, we’re showcasing our client, Ed, in his pursuit for a more convenient and humane way to tether his dog outdoors! …

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“Hanging Out” with Creationeer Extraordinaire, Lucky!

“Hanging Out” with Creationeer Extraordinaire, Lucky!

Just as we predicted, one of our talented creationeers, Lucky, has not kept us “hanging.”  Today, we’ve got Lucky’s perspective on bringing some innovation into your closet!  From Lucky’s mind… to your desk!  As consumers, we are cognizant of the design of certain objects and products:  cars, electronics, appliances and even food.  But, [there are] …

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New “Dare to Invent” Webisode Series Goes Live!

New “Dare to Invent” Webisode Series Goes Live!

Just as we were preparing to release tonight’s “Dare to Invent” webisode, we opened up the pages of a local publication and read all about it!  Nestled in the pages of “The Horse Trader,” you can find Mr. Davison, our client, Joseph, (inventor of the Silicone Dessert Bar Pan), plus a brief article about our …

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Edison’s Doll and Other “Out-there” Inventions

Edison’s Doll and Other “Out-there” Inventions

We all know the world of inventing is a risky one that is all about taking chances on ideas. Take Mr. D for example, his first invention idea was not as successful as he would have liked, because he was beat to the marketplace by a larger corporation. Well, it turns out that these “failed” …

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