Why is Product Packaging Important?

Even if you have created a useful product, convincing customers to buy that product often comes down to the way the packaging and product look on store shelves. Product packaging is often the most important feature in attracting potential customers to your product. Packaging can make or break a sale—it’s that important. Most shoppers will …
Read moreThe Benefits of Developing a Product Sample

When the Davison design team makes the first prototype, they just need to answer one simple question: “Does it work?” The first prototype is a “proof of concept” model that determines if the invention can work as intended. It may not look exactly like the final prototype and it certainly isn’t made from the same …
Read moreDoes Davison Buy My Idea?

So you have a product idea and want to turn it into a real product selling on store shelves. But having the idea and turning it into something real are the beginning and end of a very long road. There are many steps along the way; such as product and patent searches, prototype building, and …
Read more“Illinois Outdoors Television Show” Tunes-in to AWAY

Host of Illinois Outdoors Television Show Don Dziedzina, who has been involved in the outdoors industry for nearly 35 years and has published columns in 11 weekly newspapers, three monthly outdoor magazines and one bi-weekly outdoor newspaper, recently tried Davison package designed AWAY products to keep pesky bugs at bay. What he found was nothing …
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