Mr. D in Stores – The Container Store

Back in February, our CEO and Founder, George Davison took a trip to The Container Store to see if he could find our client Jennifer’s Hanger Pocket Accessory Organizer product, which keeps clothes and accessories neatly organized. The trip to the store was a success and Mr. D was able to locate her product under …
Read moreInventors’ Dreams Come True at The Container Store

“Fail your way forward.” This may be some of the greatest advice Davison founder and CEO Mr. George Davison has for any inventor. This advice is something he has learned and followed himself during his almost thirty years of inventing. Flash back to 1987. “In 1987, I could only dream to be in dialogue with …
Read moreDavison Client Invention Reshapes the Burger

When clients come to Davison, they come for inventing expertise and guidance backed by over 25 years of experience in helping everyday idea people hopefully bring their inventions to life. As is with many new inventions, ideas are usually created as a solution to a common problem. This continued to be true for one Tampa …
Read moreAn Inventor’s Idea + Davison Inventing Method + QVC = Success

In the invention industry, things change; they evolve. This sentiment holds especially true for the Mega Bacon Pan, which evolved from our client Jean’s Meatball Baker. Last month, the Mega Bacon Pan was featured on QVC’s “In the Kitchen with David.” QVC host David Venable was intrigued and excited about the Davison-designed product! During the …
Read moreHollywood Celebrities Innovate with Davison

At Davison, we take pride in helping many aspiring inventors fine-tune their invention ideas and turn them into new products. As we bring ideas through our product development process, our dedicated team and clients both hope for product success. With the help of our licensing department, Davison has moved new products into more than 1,200 …
Read moreDavison Products Align With Big Beverage Brands, Pepsi & Mountain Dew!

Davison client and corporate inventions have reached tremendous big-brand success, thanks to a PepsiCo North America license held by a corporate partner we’ve aligned with for years to bring products to store shelves – Jokari/US, Inc.! After following our product development process, our client’s Can Pump invention became a staple in Jokari’s unique collection of …
Read moreYou’ll Want to Sit Down for This…

In previous blogs, we talked about the idea of failing forward and not letting failure derail your progress. Our very own founder and CEO George Davison is a testament to this notion as he stayed persistent after the failed invention of his toothbrush sanitizer idea. Though failure could have stopped him in his tracks, he …
Read moreClient Invention Shows QVC Viewers a Better Way to Make Brownies

In case you missed it last Wednesday, Davison client Bobby’s PushPan Brownie Pan was featured on the popular QVC segment, “Kitchen Unlimited with Carolyn.” Bobby came to Davison with his idea for better brownies. His innovative pan would later be licensed to our friends at Love Cooking Company, who were also excited for this brownie …
Read more‘Tis the Season for Inventor “D”elight
And the Best Group Costume Award Goes to…

A few weeks ago, we shared the exciting news with you that the Piñata Cupcake Pan was on QVC. Well this time, we are stuffed with excitement again to share with you a creative costume that our friends over at Inventionland shared with us from their recent Halloween party! Three of our creative Directors of …
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