
Meet Ed, Inventor of the Better Tether — Part 1

Meet Ed, Inventor of the Better Tether — Part 1

Our client, Ed, loves his dog. But like many dog owners, he has had to tether his canine companion outdoors at times. Usually, it was just a matter of time before the chain or cable would knock over the dog’s food and water bowls as his pet ran around. Sure, the food could be eaten …

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National Telephone Day — Evolution of the Phone

National Telephone Day — Evolution of the Phone

While most of us are familiar with recent developments in the telephone industry, and may even carry the latest iPhone, Droid or Blackberry models, it is likely that few may know where these gadgets got their roots and just how far they’ve come through the years. Over a century ago, in 1876, Alexander Graham Bell …

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Making the Earth a Better Place!

Making the Earth a Better Place!

It may be hard to believe, but just 49 years ago Gaylord Nelson started an 8-year fight to have Earth Day recognized as a national holiday. Nelson wanted to bring awareness to environmental issues that nobody seemed to pay attention to at the time. Because of his persistent efforts, we not only have a national …

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Better Tether in production — another dream on its way!

Better Tether in production — another dream on its way!

It started out as just an idea in the mind of our client, Ed. His dream for a better way to tether his dog has turned into a tangible product, which was licensed by Hugs Pet Products. “It’s great to see, now that we’re getting direct feedback from the factory.” The Licensing VP also reported …

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“Painting” the Way for Future Innovation

“Painting” the Way for Future Innovation

Today, as many of us file our tax returns, we can pause to remember an inventor who was born 559 years ago today — and who was way ahead of his time. Everyone knows Leonardo Da Vinci was an amazing painter (the Mona Lisa, the Last Supper), but did you know he was an innovator …

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Happy Birthday Thomas Jefferson!

Happy Birthday Thomas Jefferson!

Many people know that Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd president of the United States, the author of the Declaration of Independence and the founder of the University of Virginia, but not everyone associates him with being a successful inventor. Jefferson created many well-known inventions such as the polygraph, the pedometer and the hideaway bed. Some …

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