
Graphene: Strong Potential

Graphene: Strong Potential

Would you believe it if we told you that one material made of a single layer of carbon atoms that are bonded together in a repeating pattern of hexagons could change the way that electronic components are made? Believe it or not, this emerging material, otherwise known as graphene, has taken the scientific research world …

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The Idea of Tumblr

The Idea of Tumblr

In this day and age, blogs and social media seem to go hand in hand. However, in the beginning, the lines of blogs and social media ran like the tracks of a subway, each travelling in opposite directions, leading consumers to their destination of information. But, when the lines between micro-blogging and social networking crossed …

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New Updates to the Oldest Game in America: Baseball

New Updates to the Oldest Game in America: Baseball

The smell of fresh cut grass, the sound of peanut shells cracking in the hands of anxious fans, who watch as the dust settles after a big play and the pure excitement that is the result of a ball hitting off of a wooden bat. These are just a few examples of why baseball has …

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The Road from Chuck Wagons to Food Trucks

The Road from Chuck Wagons to Food Trucks

Once known as a “chuck wagon,” the idea of the food truck has been around for quite some time. In the United States, food trucks have been serving quick and affordable food on-the-go since the end of the U.S. Civil War, when there was a large expansion of settlements that moved westward across the country. …

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In Case you Missed It: The Cool Bake was on QVC!

In Case you Missed It: The Cool Bake was on QVC!

  Add another “W” to the win column for the Davison-design team! On Sunday, September 29, our Davison-designed ‘Cool Bake’ was featured on QVC’s “In the Kitchen with David”! The Mrs. Fields Bakeware Innovation did not disappoint while on the show. Let it be known that the ‘Cool Bake’ isn’t just limited to cooling cookies. …

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This Inventor’s Idea is on the ‘Fast Track’ Towards Success

This Inventor’s Idea is on the ‘Fast Track’ Towards Success

From PayPal, to SpaceX to Tesla Motors, it’s safe to say that idea man and inventor, Elon Musk, won’t be running out of ideas anytime soon. Born in South Africa, it wouldn’t take long before Elon Musk became a multimillionaire. It all began at the young age of 10, when Musk bought his own computer …

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