
History Tuesday: Fireworks

History Tuesday: Fireworks

As the fourth of July approaches, most of us will be gearing up for a splash in the pool, great barbeque and the traditional fireworks display that never ceases to amaze us. Whether it’s a small, hand-held Roman candle or a gigantic starburst exploding way over our heads, fireworks bring out the kid in all …

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Inventor Monday: William Coolidge

Inventor Monday: William Coolidge

William Coolidge was an American physicist who invented many things, such as ductile tungsten, which was used as the filament for incandescent light bulbs. This product not only supplanted the more brittle carbon fibers of Edison’s original design, but made it viable to mass produce light bulbs. He also invented a portable x-ray machine that …

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The Future of Stadiums

The Future of Stadiums

Sure they showcase some of the world’s best athletes, most interesting sporting events and titillating concerts, but stadiums often stand on their own as points of interest; especially the stadiums of the future. Moats Lusail Iconic Stadium is a proposed football stadium that will be built in Lusail, Qatar, in time for the opening and …

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Cup of Noodles Inventor

Cup of Noodles Inventor

Chances are that if you raid the pantry (or mini fridge / desk drawer) of any college student, office worker or, shall we say, “cooking-impaired” individual, you will find one common item in stock…we are talking about RAMEN! Although most people only think of ramen noodles as a quick and easy lunch, this microwave meal …

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History Tuesday: Chewing Gum

History Tuesday: Chewing Gum

Almost 100 years ago this week; June 29, 1915 to be exact, Juicy Fruit was trademark registered.  But surprisingly, the history of chewing gum goes back even farther than that, a lot farther. In fact, people have been chewing all sorts of chewy things for centuries—tree bark, plant sterols and even paraffin wax.  It’s said …

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Inventor Monday: William Lear

Inventor Monday: William Lear

William (Bill) Lear was one of those iconic American inventors and visionaries who really bring home the concept of ‘Yankee Ingenuity.’ Of course he is best known for creating the Learjet, but did you know that he also earned over 100 patents for his trailblazing electronic devices in not just one, but three separate industries: …

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