
Future Friday: The Bitcoin

Future Friday: The Bitcoin

Is Bitcoin the future of international currency? Ever since Diners Club International became the first independent credit card company in 1950, banks have continued to dream of different ways of paying for goods and services. But maybe the future of transactions isn’t in the hands of the banks. Maybe it’s in the hands of software …

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Travel Wednesday: New York, NY

Travel Wednesday: New York, NY

Stitch together good times in New York City! Where would America be without the sewing machine and New York City’s marketing machine? It’s hard to imagine our industrial progress in textiles without envisioning black and white film footage of well-coifed women seated in rows upon rows turning out well-crafted clothing behind sewing machines. Such images …

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History Tuesday: Sunscreen

History Tuesday: Sunscreen

Yesterday was, of course, Memorial Day and most of us were probably outdoors, celebrating at a picnic or a parade—eating, drinking and soaking up the sun. But yesterday was also Sunscreen Protection Day, so we thought this would be a good time to look into the history of sunscreen. Let’s take a look at how …

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Inventor Monday: Memorial Day

Inventor Monday: Memorial Day

Since today is Memorial Day, we thought we would take a look at some of the products that make it possible for us celebrate the memory of our American heroes, and to start the summer off with our favorite tradition – having a cook-out.  While many things we eat at a cook-out (e.g. beef, watermelon …

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Future Friday: Google Glass

Future Friday: Google Glass

Google Glass looks toward the future – for better or worse Like the interactive glass from Tom Cruise’s blockbuster “Minority Report,” the newest product from Google – Google Glass – offers customers information presented right before their eyes on a pair of glasses. The future is here. Or is it? Google Glass could be as …

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Travel Wednesday: Indianapolis, IN

Travel Wednesday: Indianapolis, IN

With every new idea, every time-saving innovation and every life-changing invention, one idea remains in the shadows, as the gold standard for comparison. Today, the iPad, Google Glass or 3D TVs might seem like the greatest devices ever created, but they have constant competition from an invention from 1930, the invention of sliced bread. “Wonder …

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