
History Tuesday: The Airplane

History Tuesday: The Airplane

In Monday’s blog we learned about the Wright Brothers and how they invented the first motorized airplane. But there is much more to the story of their plane. In fact, flight itself has been an aspiration of humans for centuries. Remember the ancient Greek legend of Daedalus and his son, Icarus, who made wings of …

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Inventor Monday: The Wright Brothers

Inventor Monday: The Wright Brothers

This week, May 22, to be exact, is the anniversary of The Wright Brothers receiving their first patent for a ‘flying machine’— the world’s first flyable airplane—that made its historic flight a hundred and seven years ago. So we thought it was a good time to take a look at the Wright brothers and learn …

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Future Friday: Self-Driving Cars

Future Friday: Self-Driving Cars

Humanity pines for flying cars. Science fiction has inundated us with the prospect of automobile technology taking us from driving down the street one minute and flying off to grandma’s house the next. But we’re failing to realize that we’re skipping a huge, more practical step in car technology – the self-driving car. “Cars that …

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How’s That Created Thursday: Twister Caps

How’s That Created Thursday: Twister Caps

Undoubtedly, you’ve gone to the bathroom countless times.  We’d even venture to guess that, while there, you never gave a thought to how the toilet holds fast to the floor… but, we’re betting you’re glad that it does. Now, many historians give all the credit to the man who invented the toilet.  Rumors have swirled …

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Travel Wednesday: Kitty Hawk, NC

Travel Wednesday: Kitty Hawk, NC

Before $50 per checked bag, screaming babies and drunk passengers, before endless security lines and delays, there were two men with the dream to fly. In 1903, Orville Wright piloted the first powered airplane 20 feet above a wind-swept beach in North Carolina. The flight lasted 12 seconds and covered 120 feet. Three more flights …

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History Tuesday: The Bicycle Helmet

History Tuesday: The Bicycle Helmet

Since May is National Bike Month, we thought this would be a good opportunity to look into the history of a very important safety device—the bicycle helmet. Bicycles have been around since the 1860’s, when a machine known as the Velocipede came on the scene. But this bike wasn’t a big success due to its barrel-stave like …

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