
Inventor Monday: Ben Franklin

Inventor Monday: Ben Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was a true Renaissance Man. His expertise spanned a significant number of subject areas: publisher, statesman, nation builder, postmaster, scientist, and musician. Franklin was also a prodigious inventor. Among his many creations were: the Franklin stove, an odometer used in horse-drawn carriages, a musical instrument made from glass, and bifocal glasses. His most …

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Future Friday: Human Helping Robots

Future Friday: Human Helping Robots

Beyond being actors, can you determine what Haley Joel Osment, Robin Williams and Brent Spiner all have in common? If you guessed that they all played androids, then you are right and most likely walked out of at least one movie theatre in your life. The idea that robots could help out around the house …

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Travel Wednesday: Arizona – Home of the Personal Watercraft

Travel Wednesday: Arizona – Home of the Personal Watercraft

Arizona is home to the Mojave, Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts. But this dry, sometimes desolate terrain is the birthplace of one of the most jubilant inventions to ever grace a body of water – the personal watercraft. Remember the days of having to share a boating experience with an annoying relative or work colleague? No. …

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History Tuesday: The Grill

History Tuesday: The Grill

According to the old saying, “April showers bring May flowers.” And that’s great.  But May also brings something a little closer to our hearts (and stomachs):  Barbecue.  That’s because May is National Barbecue Month.  Though it is an unofficial holiday, what better way to unofficially start the summer season than with some burgers and ribs …

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Inventor Monday: Mary Dixon Kies

Inventor Monday: Mary Dixon Kies

In the history of inventions and inventing, there is always a first: first car ever made, first radio ever built, first rocket into space. So when we came upon a story about the first American women to get a patent, we just had to find out more.  As it turns out, the 204th anniversary of …

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Travel Wednesday: Milwaukee – Home of the Harley-Davidson

Travel Wednesday: Milwaukee – Home of the Harley-Davidson

Milwaukee is the Creole word for the satisfaction induced by consuming massive quantities of domestic beer and cheddar cheese. OK. We made that up. Milwaukee offers much more than beer and cheese, including top-notch arts, food and sporting venues. Since this blog celebrates inventions and the inventing community, we recommend that your first stop be …

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