
History Tuesday: The Lawnmower

History Tuesday: The Lawnmower

April is National Lawn and Garden Month, which is appropriate since this is the wonderful time of year that buds start to grow back on the tress, birds can be heard chirping away, and our grass begins to look alive again. So it’s time to head down to the local garden shop and buy some …

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Inventor Monday: Dean Kamen

Inventor Monday: Dean Kamen

Dean Kamen may not be a household word, like Edison or Ford, but he’s an incredibly prolific inventor who holds more than 150 patents and is an inductee of the National Inventors Hall of Fame. Pretty good for a guy that the average man-on-the-street probably never heard of. But, maybe they should know who he …

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Future Friday: Where Are Our Jetpacks?

Future Friday: Where Are Our Jetpacks?

Americans have been patiently waiting for personal jetpacks since the first Super Bowl — when in 1967 during half time two pilots astonished the crowd in attendance and millions more at home watching television, as they took to the skies over Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum with their rocket belts, created by Bell Labs. It’s been …

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How’s That Made Thursday: The Better Tether

How’s That Made Thursday: The Better Tether

As National Pet Month comes to a close, we’re reflecting on all the inventions that make the lives of our pets just a little bit better.  Today, we’re taking a look at a product that truly has innovated the way we tether our pets outdoors:  the Better Tether. That’s right, this week, we’re unleashing how …

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Travel Wednesday: Roll into New Bedford, Mass., Home of Wheeled Luggage Inventor

Travel Wednesday: Roll into New Bedford, Mass., Home of Wheeled Luggage Inventor

Years later, traveling got easier, as the idea of luggage overwhelmed the jet set with the ease and convenience of pocket storage, zippers and containment. The most significant update to luggage came in the 1970s when Bernard Sadow of New Bedford, Mass., revolutionized how we transport our luggage. Sadow, a luggage-business professional, came up with …

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History Tuesday: The Car Wash

History Tuesday: The Car Wash

Since April is National Car Care Month, we would be completely remiss if we didn’t honor an American institution: the car wash. As the weather gets nicer every day, and we Spring clean our house and care for our lawns; it’s only natural that we want to give our ride a spiffy wash and wax, …

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