
Kid Inventors

Kid Inventors

The best thing about an idea is that anyone can have one: young or old, man or woman, it doesn’t matter. Everyone has ideas. But, the thing that separates inventors from everybody else is that they act on their ideas and try to turn them into something real. It takes hard work and determination to …

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“Jean, Jean the Meatball Queen” Visits Davison

“Jean, Jean the Meatball Queen” Visits Davison

It is always great to see a familiar face… especially when that face is one of our clients who just happens to be in our hometown for a visit! Coming all the way from her home in Minnesota, Jean Rindfuss, the mastermind behind Chicago Metallic’s Meatball Baker, decided to stop in to visit with one …

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The Wild, Wonderful World of Inventing!

The Wild, Wonderful World of Inventing!

Today, we take a minute to spark our minds and feast our eyes on some of the invention industry’s most wild and wonderful creations!  Sure to inspire any idea person, our very own “inventor’s inventor,” Mr. Davison, passed along these must-see photos of some of the finest!  Enjoy! 1.  First up, with corner drawers like …

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Davison-designed Cat Toys Curl Up to Petco Shelves!

Davison-designed Cat Toys Curl Up to Petco Shelves!

Today, we’re heating things up and taking you back to the long, sunny days of summer when we first introduced a few Davison-designed cat toys. At the time, Hugs Pet Products, who licensed the innovative line that promises to keep cats occupied for hours, was preparing to showcase the toys at one of the pet …

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African American Inventors: George Washington Carver

African American Inventors: George Washington Carver

When most people hear the name George Washington Carver, they immediately think, “Oh, he was that famous African-American inventor.” But, the truth is, he was a famous American inventor whose ideas changed society much like Alexander Graham Bell and Henry Ford. Though renowned for developing innovative uses for a variety of agricultural crops such as …

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African American Inventors: Granville Woods

African American Inventors: Granville Woods

We could think of no better way to celebrate Black History Month than to feature African American inventors, such as Granville Woods, who changed history, and without whom our lives would be drastically different today. Many people may have never heard of Granville Woods, but he and his inventions had a profound impact on all …

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