
Listening to Music in Your Car? – What a Great Idea!

Listening to Music in Your Car? – What a Great Idea!

We’ve been listening to music in our cars for over 80 years; from the early days of simple AM radio to today’s high-end digital audio setups.  And, our sources have gotten pretty sophisticated as well.  We used to get our radio signals from giant antennae on the ground.  Now we have satellites beaming radio signals …

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Saying Goodbye to 2012 – Thanks for Many Great Memories!

Saying Goodbye to 2012 – Thanks for Many Great Memories!

“Should old acquaintance be forgot and… ”  Ok, so, we may not know all the words to Auld Lang Syne, but we are more than ready to ring in the new year with some great memories from 2012.  And, when it comes down to it, we are pretty sure that’s what the song means! Although …

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The “Henry Ford of Inventing” has the (Keystone) Edge!

The “Henry Ford of Inventing” has the (Keystone) Edge!

What better way to end 2012 than by, yet again, being referred to as “the Henry Ford of inventing?”  That’s precisely what Keystone Edge, an online publication that covers the entrepreneurial ecosystem that drives Pennsylvania forward, has called our CEO and founder, Mr. Davison! Recently, George Davison was featured on the site’s “Founders” section.  Among …

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Davison Donates to Fox Chapel Area High School – Fox Chapel’s Got Talent

Davison Donates to Fox Chapel Area High School – Fox Chapel’s Got Talent

Elaine Mitsch, Vice President of Fox Chapel Area High School PTO, recently thanked George Davison (Founder & CEO of Davison) for his generous charitable contribution to the Fox Chapel Area High School – Fox Chapel’s Got Talent Committee and PTO. In the letter, Ms. Mitsch also thanked George Davison for his continued commitment and support. …

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Inventor of Hydro Bone Praises Davison in Letter

Inventor of Hydro Bone Praises Davison in Letter

Every now and again we receive letters in the mail or via email from our clients, which is obviously a great thing. Sometimes they are simply checking on their new product idea, asking questions or dropping a line to give us a nice pat on the back. And what a pat on the back this …

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Davison Doggie Shoes Dance onto More Holiday Blogs

Davison Doggie Shoes Dance onto More Holiday Blogs

Just like last holiday season, Davison-designed Pugz shoes are prancing their way into hearts worldwide! We first saw the faux fur and faux leather boots pop up on K-Earth Radio host, Lisa Stanley’s, professional blog.  Stanley tried the boots on her little pup, Molly, prior to a trip to cold and snowy Utah. Apparently, Stanley’s …

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