
Davison Team Comes Together in Toys For Tots Drive

Davison Team Comes Together in Toys For Tots Drive

So, you give the entire Davison team just under a couple of weeks to make a contribution to a local charity toy drive and what happens? They come through with flying colors, of course!  This year, Davison’s contribution to the U.S. Marines’ Toys for Tots drive was a whopping 224 toys! According to our President, …

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Lifetime TV Serves Up Cookies and Milk, Davison-Style!

Lifetime TV Serves Up Cookies and Milk, Davison-Style!

Can’t get enough of that sweet treat our client, Christine Walker, came up with to tame her piggish classmates’ disgusting cookie-eating ways?  You’re in luck! Not only will Christine and her Brownie Bowl (courtesy of her Dare to Invent webisode) accompany Mr. Davison on tomorrow (12/13/12) morning’s episode of Lifetime TV’s “The Balancing Act” (also …

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Who Pays to Develop a New Product Idea?

Who Pays to Develop a New Product Idea?

If you are like most inventors, the ultimate goal for your idea is to create a product that will sell. But one of the first problems you will face is this – an idea is not a product. In order to create a product from an idea, an inventor must be willing to devote time, …

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Surprise Pan/Brownie Bowl Giveaway!

Surprise Pan/Brownie Bowl Giveaway!

We’re currently in the middle of Founder and CEO George Davison’s two latest appearances on Lifetime TV’s “The Balancing Act.” Last week and today, he showcased our Creationeer Pete’s Surprise Pan and, next week (12/13/12), Mr. Davison will showcase our client Christine’s Brownie Bowl. It just so happens that we’re also right smack in the …

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Practical Home Inventions to Make Your Day Better

Practical Home Inventions to Make Your Day Better

At Davison, we celebrate the process of inventing. It’s really that simple. This is precisely why we present all of our Davison products in our problem-better way format. Inventors see a way to do something better and they invest their time, money and patience into bringing their ideas to the world.   Below are 4 …

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15 of the All-Time ‘Best’ Product Failures

15 of the All-Time ‘Best’ Product Failures

When a company has a great product, decision-makers often get swept up in their own success. And overwhelming sales and popularity of one product can make it seem like a brand can do no wrong. Well as Smith & Wesson mountain bikes and 14 other product failures would prove, not all that glitters is gold. …

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