
A Frightening Feast – The Davison Way!

A Frightening Feast – The Davison Way!

With all of the recent excitement surrounding our Meatball Baker appearances on Lifetime TV’s “The Balancing Act” and on the Cre8tive Compass Magazine blog, we couldn’t resist giving the Davison-designed meatball-making machine a try. But, we didn’t just stop with traditional spaghetti and meatballs.  With the upcoming Halloween holiday to fuel our creative fire, we …

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Blogger Gets Cre8tive with Davison’s Meatball Baker

Blogger Gets Cre8tive with Davison’s Meatball Baker

A Davison-designed product that promises to make a healthier meatball is dripping with tons of recent press.  Featured last week on Lifetime TV’s “The Balancing Act,” the Meatball Baker also appears in Cre8tive Compass Magazine (C8C) online. According to the site, C8C is “ALL about exploring, creating and most importantly LIVING the creative life” (something …

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Does Davison’s Invention Service Cost Money?

Does Davison’s Invention Service Cost Money?

It’s a question that we’re frequently asked, “Is there a fee for your invention service?” Simply, yes, we do charge fees for the services we provide.  However, it’s important to point out that you can securely submit your idea to Davison for a no-cost consultation (read free). Once we discuss your idea and determine whether it …

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“Illinois Outdoors Television Show” Tunes-in to AWAY

“Illinois Outdoors Television Show” Tunes-in to AWAY

Host of Illinois Outdoors Television Show Don Dziedzina, who has been involved in the outdoors industry for nearly 35 years and has published columns in 11 weekly newspapers, three monthly outdoor magazines and one bi-weekly outdoor newspaper, recently tried Davison package designed AWAY products to keep pesky bugs at bay. What he found was nothing …

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Microsoft Wants to Put You in the Game… Literally

Microsoft Wants to Put You in the Game… Literally

A data-holding subsystem holding instructions executable by a logic subsystem is provided. The instructions are configured to output a primary image to a primary display for display by the primary display, and output a peripheral image to an environmental display for projection by the environmental display on an environmental surface of a display environment so …

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Medical Innovation: Pig’s Bladder Regrows Muscle of Wounded Marine

Medical Innovation: Pig’s Bladder Regrows Muscle of Wounded Marine

Ronald Strang was serving in Afghanistan with the Marines when an explosion took half of his left thigh muscle. Now, the 28-year-old from Pittsburgh, Pa., has grown back 10 percent of the lost muscle and is running again, thanks to cells from a pig’s bladder. To regrow Strang’s muscle, surgeons implanted an extracellular matrix, a …

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