
Hands-free, Automated, Vacuum-cleaning Robots are so Passé

Hands-free, Automated, Vacuum-cleaning Robots are so Passé

A dog, a white picket fence and 2.5 kids. The American dream! So has been the cliché of the perfect home, since the dawn of suburbia. But the days of simple comforts are quickly becoming obsolete. Families have rapidly become tired of robotic appliances, gas fireplaces are old news, and the dreams of owning a …

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Meet Diana, Inventor of the Gel Pet Mat

Meet Diana, Inventor of the Gel Pet Mat

Our client, Diana, was a small town girl turned southern supermom and now… she’s an inventor! Over a decade ago, while the divorced Georgia mother of two teenage boys was working for a Honda factory, she was also hard at work at home trying to devise a way to keep her miniature dachshund, Ripley, warm …

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‘Savvy’ Blogger Touts AWAY as Beneficial Bug Blaster

‘Savvy’ Blogger Touts AWAY as Beneficial Bug Blaster

There’s a reason we call them “bugs” and “pests.” Insects make many people uncomfortable. With their itch-inducing bites, disease-spreading ability and overall unpleasant appearance, we often try anything to keep these little nasties at bay. But for many people, repellents that include harsh chemicals simply are not an option. Like Philip Boxwell, who created AWAY …

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Davison Inventions Dare to Ask – What, Where & How?

Davison Inventions Dare to Ask – What, Where & How?

Every great invention is thought to have a beginning and an end. But the creative process doesn’t always stop at the “finished” product. The showerhead begot the jet-massage setting; the car begot the rest stop; and the door begot the mp3 doorbell. If necessity is the mother of invention, these Davison products are its sons …

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Blogger Celebrates Versatility of Davison-Designed Dog Treat Pan

Blogger Celebrates Versatility of Davison-Designed Dog Treat Pan

The Neat Things In Life blog recently posted a review and held a giveaway of the Davison-designed Silicone Dog Treat Pan, which is licensed by Hugs Pet Products. Jammie Morey, the author of the blog, celebrated the pan as a safe alternative to the commercial pet-food offerings that have recently suffered numerous recalls. “Just like my …

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‘The Balancing Act’ Embraces the Hard Edge Surrounding the Silicone Dessert Bar Pan

‘The Balancing Act’ Embraces the Hard Edge Surrounding the Silicone Dessert Bar Pan

George Davison (CEO & Founder of Davison) and the inventor of the Silicone Dessert Bar Pan Joseph Springer (as part of his Dare to Invent episode) will be featured on the next episode of Lifetime’s “The Balancing Act,” America’s premier one-hour women’s morning show dedicated to creating trusted solutions for today’s woman. Mr. Davison and …

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