“Dare to Invent” is Back and Better to Tether?!

It’s time again to release another exciting “Dare to Invent” webisode! The fourth in our 13-episode “Dare to Invent” series is set to air on YouTube and at Davison.com, tonight at 7:00 p.m. This week, we’re showcasing our client, Ed, in his pursuit for a more convenient and humane way to tether his dog outdoors! …
Read moreNew “Dare to Invent” Webisode Series Goes Live!

Just as we were preparing to release tonight’s “Dare to Invent” webisode, we opened up the pages of a local publication and read all about it! Nestled in the pages of “The Horse Trader,” you can find Mr. Davison, our client, Joseph, (inventor of the Silicone Dessert Bar Pan), plus a brief article about our …
Read moreRetailers Show Hydro Family International Love!

It is just us or have we been sharing a lot of stories about innovative Davison-designed pet products lately? Last week, we debuted the second in our 12-episode “Dare to Invent” series, featuring Pugz Shoes for Dogs, which we designed for our client, Kay. We also told you about our current Facebook Pugz Shoes giveaway, …
Read moreCNBC Gives Davison-Designed Shoes a Big Hug!

What have puppy style, keep pets paws warm in harsh weather conditions, were designed for one of our clients and have received awesome amounts of press since their 2010 market debut? Well, if you guessed anything other than Pugz Shoes for Dogs, we suggest you go back and read some old blog articles to catch …
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