Our Clients are Talking. Hear What They Have to Say!

As another school year is upon us, we can’t help but think of our clients, who work diligently to learn and better themselves with the Davison Inventing Method. Though the school year may just be getting started, Davison is continually getting grades back from our clients, who are always providing us with useful feedback to …
Read moreLook Who’s Talking…

When we receive positive feedback from happy clients, we can’t help but share. It’s for this reason that in today’s blog, we’re sharing with you some responses from clients who have received and reviewed their Pre-Development Portfolios! Once we receive this feedback, we put it to good use to refine our inventing method and help …
Read moreWednesday Wisdom: Client Feedback

Mondays are for motivation like Wednesdays are for wisdom! In today’s Davison blog, we’re getting right to the point and sharing with you some positive feedback that we’ve received from our happy clients! The road of inventing can be a long one with lots of curves and detours. But, these idea people turned to Davison …
Read moreA lot is H-APP-ening on Davison.com

If you’ve been on Davison.com lately, you might have noticed a few changes. Not only did we add a new Company Blog tab right on the homepage, but we also added something extra to keep you connected to our latest and greatest news. Recently, we added a brand new feature slider on the homepage that …
Read moreHollywood Celebrities Innovate with Davison

At Davison, we take pride in helping many aspiring inventors fine-tune their invention ideas and turn them into new products. As we bring ideas through our product development process, our dedicated team and clients both hope for product success. With the help of our licensing department, Davison has moved new products into more than 1,200 …
Read moreWhat Are Our Clients Saying?

As a company that’s committed to helping innovative people take their ideas and turn their dreams into reality, we’re always looking for better ways to help our clients. What has proven to be one of the most valuable means to better serve our clients is the feedback that we receive from the people who have …
Read moreApp Ideas From Clients Go Through the Davison Inventing Method & Onto the App Store

In case you missed it, Davison recently evolved our development services by bringing the design and creation of app ideas to an exciting new level. Now, idea people are being encouraged to not only safely submit their tangible invention ideas, but their new mobile app ideas as well! In a previous blog, we featured two …
Read moreThat’s a Wrap for the Global Pet Expo!

It’s hard to believe, but after the hustle and bustle of preparing for the Global Pet Expo, the pet industry’s largest annual trade show has come to a close for another year. As we mentioned in a previous blog, we were hard at work putting the finishing touches on our Davison-licensed products that were heading …
Read moreThere’s an App for That

Did you know that there’s an app for that? A Davison app that is! Recently, Davison has evolved its app development service, bringing the design and creation of new app ideas to an exciting new level! Idea people have always been encouraged to safely submit their invention ideas to Davison in hopes of helping them …
Read moreDavison’s SHOT at Trade Show Success

Last month, Managing Senior Directors of Licensing Matt and Robert, who you may remember from our CES 2016 recap, were back on the trade show circuit when they made their way to the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade Show and Conference (SHOT Show). This event took place in Las Vegas from …
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