History Tuesday: The Airplane

In Monday’s blog we learned about the Wright Brothers and how they invented the first motorized airplane. But there is much more to the story of their plane. In fact, flight itself has been an aspiration of humans for centuries. Remember the ancient Greek legend of Daedalus and his son, Icarus, who made wings of …
Read moreInventor Monday: The Wright Brothers

This week, May 22, to be exact, is the anniversary of The Wright Brothers receiving their first patent for a ‘flying machine’— the world’s first flyable airplane—that made its historic flight a hundred and seven years ago. So we thought it was a good time to take a look at the Wright brothers and learn …
Read moreFuture Friday: Self-Driving Cars

Humanity pines for flying cars. Science fiction has inundated us with the prospect of automobile technology taking us from driving down the street one minute and flying off to grandma’s house the next. But we’re failing to realize that we’re skipping a huge, more practical step in car technology – the self-driving car. “Cars that …
Read moreHistory Tuesday: The Bicycle Helmet

Since May is National Bike Month, we thought this would be a good opportunity to look into the history of a very important safety device—the bicycle helmet. Bicycles have been around since the 1860’s, when a machine known as the Velocipede came on the scene. But this bike wasn’t a big success due to its barrel-stave like …
Read moreFuture Friday: Human Helping Robots

Beyond being actors, can you determine what Haley Joel Osment, Robin Williams and Brent Spiner all have in common? If you guessed that they all played androids, then you are right and most likely walked out of at least one movie theatre in your life. The idea that robots could help out around the house …
Read moreTravel Wednesday: Arizona – Home of the Personal Watercraft

Arizona is home to the Mojave, Sonoran and Chihuahuan Deserts. But this dry, sometimes desolate terrain is the birthplace of one of the most jubilant inventions to ever grace a body of water – the personal watercraft. Remember the days of having to share a boating experience with an annoying relative or work colleague? No. …
Read moreTravel Wednesday: Milwaukee – Home of the Harley-Davidson

Milwaukee is the Creole word for the satisfaction induced by consuming massive quantities of domestic beer and cheddar cheese. OK. We made that up. Milwaukee offers much more than beer and cheese, including top-notch arts, food and sporting venues. Since this blog celebrates inventions and the inventing community, we recommend that your first stop be …
Read moreThe Wild, Wonderful World of Inventing!

Today, we take a minute to spark our minds and feast our eyes on some of the invention industry’s most wild and wonderful creations! Sure to inspire any idea person, our very own “inventor’s inventor,” Mr. Davison, passed along these must-see photos of some of the finest! Enjoy! 1. First up, with corner drawers like …
Read moreMr. Davison Predicts the Future in Popular Mechanics Magazine

In their 110th anniversary special, Popular Mechanics (PM) magazine editors have featured none other than our very own CEO and founder, Mr. Davison! The article, titled “The World of Tomorrow,” relies on Davison, among several other scientists, engineers and consultants to boldly make 110 predictions for the next 110 years. “It’s never easy to predict …
Read moreSharing Well “D”eserved Community Thanks

Often times, we share community events, fundraisers and benefits that we think you may be interested in helping with. And, just as often, the Davison Team comes together and makes incredible contributions to support the various causes. Most recently, our team pulled together in less than two weeks to donate toys for the 2012 Marines’ …
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