End of Year Gift to Variety® Children’s Charity Helps Change Lives

At Davison, it’s all about finding “a better way.” Founder George Davison created his 9-step inventing method to help everyday idea people with a more efficient and affordable way to invent. However, it’s not just about creating things for the sake of creating things. It’s about finding solutions to problems. It’s about designing inventions and …
Read moreInspiration to Dare to Invent

Inventing is about more than just having an idea… It’s about taking a chance. This notion is something that the Directors of New Products at Davison preach to each potential client every day. It’s about taking that next step to give your product idea a chance at moving forward. As they say, if you don’t …
Read moreThree Ways Davison Works to Get Inventions Licensed

Since 1989, Davison® has helped idea people turn their ideas into new products using our nine-step method that has proven to be A better way to invent®. For over twenty-five years, people have trusted our team of professionals to work through their ideas and hopefully get them to a stage where new inventions and innovations can be …
Read moreInventors’ Dreams Come True at The Container Store

“Fail your way forward.” This may be some of the greatest advice Davison founder and CEO Mr. George Davison has for any inventor. This advice is something he has learned and followed himself during his almost thirty years of inventing. Flash back to 1987. “In 1987, I could only dream to be in dialogue with …
Read moreStart your Journey with the Decision to Try

Every day, we are faced with a multitude of decisions. From the simplest, like what shoes you’ll wear that day, to the more difficult decisions, like deciding if today is the day that you’ll take the steps to chase after your dreams. As the clock ticks on, we are constantly uncovering answers to questions. Deciding …
Read moreThe Importance of Desire when Pursuing an Idea

You have a goal in mind. You dream about it. It’s a nagging thought. It’s always on the top of your mind. It’s a constant; but, can it become a reality? We all have dreams and aspirations; however, it takes desire to turn them into reality. As the popular saying from Eric Thomas goes, “When you …
Read moreThe Davison Connection to the Color TV

At the end of June, we published a blog post that covered the dawn of color TVs. In this blog, we talked about the very first commercial TV program that was broadcast in color by CBS more than 64 years ago. Today, we’re sharing our founder’s connection to one of the key inventors of color …
Read moreYou’ll Want to Sit Down for This…

In previous blogs, we talked about the idea of failing forward and not letting failure derail your progress. Our very own founder and CEO George Davison is a testament to this notion as he stayed persistent after the failed invention of his toothbrush sanitizer idea. Though failure could have stopped him in his tracks, he …
Read more“Empowering us all”

True to Microsoft’s latest tagline, “Empowering us all,” this company – since it was started on April 4th, 1975, 41 years ago to be exact – has been empowering idea people from all corners of the earth with its technology. The company got its start thanks to Bill Gates and Paul Allen, two childhood friends …
Read moreFail your Way Forward

The idea of “Fail your way forward” hits close to home here at Davison, but in a good way. Keep reading to learn more. “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas A. Edison “Fail your way forward.” It may sound counterproductive, because failure often carries a negative connotation. …
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