
A Deeper Look at 3 Chance Inventions

A Deeper Look at 3 Chance Inventions

Inventions can sometimes be methodically planned and inventors cover every base and leave no stone unturned in order to bring their ideas to fruition. However, sometimes the most popular and well-known inventions weren’t intentional. In fact, they were invented through a sort of “ah-ha” moment. Back in March of this year, we wrote a blog …

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The Invention of Convenience: The Microwave

The Invention of Convenience: The Microwave

School is back in session and college students everywhere are heading back to campus. Home cooked meals are a thing of the past and students rely on a certain invention to quickly heat up their meals. More times than not, they will reach for a quick cup of noodles, but in order for this staple …

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This Inventor’s “Wheel” Was Turning

This Inventor’s “Wheel” Was Turning

You’ve seen them at local fairs and amusement parks and the largest in the world is set to be built by New Year’s Eve, 2015. At 688 feet, the Dubai Eye will be the largest Ferris wheel in the world. As summer winds down, there is still plenty of time for families to enjoy themselves …

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Mr. D Goes on the Hunt for Davison-Designed Products

Mr. D Goes on the Hunt for Davison-Designed Products

Thanks to our Better Way to Invent, Davison has been able to turn new ideas into products and put them on shelves in stores near you! Recently, our founder and CEO, Mr. Davison, went on a trip to check out all of the new Davison-designed products that are on the shelves at Toys “R” Us …

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The History of the Roller Coaster

The History of the Roller Coaster

We have all been there one time or another; you are safely buckled into your seat as you slowly start to climb what seems to be a never ending incline only to drop at fast rate of speed through dips, twists and turns. People all around the world have been enjoying the thrills of roller …

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Riding the Technology Roller Coaster’s Ups and Downs

Riding the Technology Roller Coaster’s Ups and Downs

We’ve seen it countless times. Companies are continually trying to keep their foot in the technological door by inventing products that will one-up their competition. Although sometimes their innovations and ideas are widely accepted amongst members of society, there are a few inventions that just didn’t make the cut. It may be hard to believe, …

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Nike and New Balance are Making Great Strides

Nike and New Balance are Making Great Strides

Companies are starting to transfer the technology of 3D printing into their ideas, in order to create their newest inventions; 3D printed athletic footwear. Industry giants like Nike and New Balance have translated the advancements of 3D printed technology into the world of apparel, specifically, for professional athletes. These 3D printed shoes use the up-and-coming …

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Travel Wednesday: Milwaukee – Home of the Harley-Davidson

Travel Wednesday: Milwaukee – Home of the Harley-Davidson

Milwaukee is the Creole word for the satisfaction induced by consuming massive quantities of domestic beer and cheddar cheese. OK. We made that up. Milwaukee offers much more than beer and cheese, including top-notch arts, food and sporting venues. Since this blog celebrates inventions and the inventing community, we recommend that your first stop be …

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Meet Diana, Inventor of the Gel Pet Mat

Meet Diana, Inventor of the Gel Pet Mat

Our client, Diana, was a small town girl turned southern supermom and now… she’s an inventor! Over a decade ago, while the divorced Georgia mother of two teenage boys was working for a Honda factory, she was also hard at work at home trying to devise a way to keep her miniature dachshund, Ripley, warm …

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