Inventing Fundamentals, Part 1: The Building Blocks

So you’ve decided it’s time to start working on your invention. Maybe you have an idea already in mind, maybe you’re hoping inspiration will strike while you’re working. Either way, before you can build a working model, you need to start with the fundamentals. Here are the building blocks to any great invention. (These are …
Read moreWhat To Do If You Can’t Draw

You’ve tried everything to create a visual representation of your invention to no avail. Any attempts at sketching even the roughest draft have failed miserably. Or perhaps you have a disability preventing you from being able to draw. Regardless of the reasoning, what can you do? You simply can’t draw. If you or anyone you …
Read moreThe Best Apps for Sketching
What to Have in Your Inventing Toolbox

The inventing process is much like the human race- always growing, adapting, building, and changing. With everything around us moving so rapidly, it can be difficult to get your footing (especially for those of us who don’t like change). Just when you’re finally starting to enjoy the prototyping stage, you move onto finalizing your design. …
Read moreChristmas Tree Hugger – Reinventing Holiday Décor

If you celebrate Christmas, you certainly remember the excitement that came when it was time to put up the Christmas tree. Boxes upon boxes of ornaments scatter the living room as if a decorative bomb went off, leaving behind a colorful mess in its wake while you eagerly ran back and forth putting up as …
Read moreFrom TV Show Prop – To Real Life Success: The Guzzle Buddy

Jennifer Sullivan, mother of two, was enjoying a rare moment of downtime and watching one of her favorite shows, Cougar Town. In this episode, two women were talking about wine and how uncorking the bottle is always the most dreadful part. In the episode, one of the women took out a device which she screwed …
Read morePower of Observation Leads to Innovation

Innovation is a natural phenomenon that occurs over time. Think of things you see and use in your daily life that have evolved by leaps and bounds over time thanks to major innovations and improvements – wheels, telecommunication, computers, gaming and more. It’s when we open our eyes and open our minds to the nature …
Read moreHow-To: Inventing Basics Every Inventor Should Know

Inventing is not an easy process. It takes motivation and dedication to move your invention forward. Founder George Davison has identified three key fundamentals of inventing. Let these ideals motivate you to push forward towards your goals. A desire to do good by improving things. In a previous blog post, we talked about the importance …
Read moreHow to be a Smart Risk Taker

Moving forward with your invention idea can be scary. Why? Because it’s a big risk and the future is uncertain. Commonly, things that fall outside the bounds of our comfort zone scare us; they make us second guess ourselves or make us believe that our idea will never work. Today, we’re going to offer …
Read moreThe Wild, Wonderful World of Inventing!

Today, we take a minute to spark our minds and feast our eyes on some of the invention industry’s most wild and wonderful creations! Sure to inspire any idea person, our very own “inventor’s inventor,” Mr. Davison, passed along these must-see photos of some of the finest! Enjoy! 1. First up, with corner drawers like …
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