Inventing Fundamentals, Part 1: The Building Blocks

So you’ve decided it’s time to start working on your invention. Maybe you have an idea already in mind, maybe you’re hoping inspiration will strike while you’re working. Either way, before you can build a working model, you need to start with the fundamentals. Here are the building blocks to any great invention. (These are …
Read moreWhen Should I Promote My Product on Social Media?

For inventors, traditional advertising isn’t always the best option. Commercials are expensive to produce and you buy time for them to run on the air. While you could film and edit them yourself, a subpar commercial will often make your product look terrible. This is why many inventors are turning to social media to promote …
Read moreHow (and Why) to Improve Your Sketches

Inventors have a large toolbox filled with different skills and talents, and sketching should be somewhere in the mix. Making quality sketches is a talent, and it’s a talent that all inventors should work on. If the rough drafts of your new product or idea don’t impress, it’s that much harder to get funding or …
Read moreCopyright, Patent, and Trademark: What’s the Difference?

If you’ve ever used the terms patent, copyright, and trademark interchangeably, you’re not alone. The difference between the three can sometimes feel negligible at best. Instead of mistaking definitions, however, here’s a brief overview of each term and how they apply to the confusing world of intellectual property. NOTE: While this is a general guide …
Read moreInventions That Are (Surprisingly) Not Patented

If you ever invent something original and useful, one of the first things you’ll hear is “make sure you get it patented!” It seems like solid advice- after all, a patent gives you the right to stop others from making, selling or using your idea without permission. But there are plenty of ideas, products, and …
Read moreThursday Thoughts from Great Inventors & Innovators

All inventors and innovators share two key characteristics – creativity and persistence. In order to better understand others and ourselves as inventors, we must take a closer look at what these things really mean. Creativity – the use of the imagination or original ideas, especially in the production of an artistic work. Persistence – firm …
Read morePower of Observation Leads to Innovation

Innovation is a natural phenomenon that occurs over time. Think of things you see and use in your daily life that have evolved by leaps and bounds over time thanks to major innovations and improvements – wheels, telecommunication, computers, gaming and more. It’s when we open our eyes and open our minds to the nature …
Read moreHow-To: Inventing Basics Every Inventor Should Know

Inventing is not an easy process. It takes motivation and dedication to move your invention forward. Founder George Davison has identified three key fundamentals of inventing. Let these ideals motivate you to push forward towards your goals. A desire to do good by improving things. In a previous blog post, we talked about the importance …
Read moreInventors’ Dreams Come True at The Container Store

“Fail your way forward.” This may be some of the greatest advice Davison founder and CEO Mr. George Davison has for any inventor. This advice is something he has learned and followed himself during his almost thirty years of inventing. Flash back to 1987. “In 1987, I could only dream to be in dialogue with …
Read moreStart your Journey with the Decision to Try

Every day, we are faced with a multitude of decisions. From the simplest, like what shoes you’ll wear that day, to the more difficult decisions, like deciding if today is the day that you’ll take the steps to chase after your dreams. As the clock ticks on, we are constantly uncovering answers to questions. Deciding …
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