The Importance of Desire when Pursuing an Idea

You have a goal in mind. You dream about it. It’s a nagging thought. It’s always on the top of your mind. It’s a constant; but, can it become a reality? We all have dreams and aspirations; however, it takes desire to turn them into reality. As the popular saying from Eric Thomas goes, “When you …
Read moreHow to Enjoy the Ups and Downs of the Inventing Journey

Now that the kids are out of school and summer vacation is here, pool days, sleepovers, baseball games and theme park trips might be on the agenda this year. Even though school is no longer in session, in today’s blog, we’re going to provide you with some helpful lessons to keep your mind on the …
Read moreThese Famous Idea People Failed Their Way Forward

In Monday’s blog, we introduced the idea of failing your way forward. We showed you how failure isn’t the end. In fact, failure is just the beginning. After sharing our founder and CEO George Davison’s story of failing forward, we were intrigued and did some investigating of our own to uncover other prominent inventors …
Read moreFail your Way Forward

The idea of “Fail your way forward” hits close to home here at Davison, but in a good way. Keep reading to learn more. “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas A. Edison “Fail your way forward.” It may sound counterproductive, because failure often carries a negative connotation. …
Read moreHow to Make Your Dreams Come True in Three Easy Steps

Today is Make Your Dreams Come True Day! We’ve all dreamed about a life where we’re living out our passion. In this life, we set goals for ourselves and work hard to achieve and exceed them, all the while enjoying the ride. Life is an adventure and our dreams are the compass that leads us …
Read moreHow to be a Smart Risk Taker

Moving forward with your invention idea can be scary. Why? Because it’s a big risk and the future is uncertain. Commonly, things that fall outside the bounds of our comfort zone scare us; they make us second guess ourselves or make us believe that our idea will never work. Today, we’re going to offer …
Read more3 Excuses to Avoid This Year

New Year’s resolutions are in full swing and as we work hard to keep chasing after our personal goals, it’s only natural that as human beings we have the tendency to make excuses when the going gets tough. As a result, we’ll convince ourselves that the journey will be too long and too difficult and …
Read moreHow to Tune Out Skeptics

When it comes to following your invention dreams, negativity and skepticism may be prevalent and these emotions could potentially cast a shadow on your goals and blur your dreams. Though negativity exists, today we want to offer you a few tips on how to maintain a positive outlook to deal with critics and skeptics you …
Read more5 Qualities of a Successful Person

On Monday, November 16, we were inspired by a quote that our friends over at Inventionland tweeted that served as our daily bout of motivation. It’s a common occurrence for idea people and creative minds to let their doubts and insecurities rise to the forefront and put their dreams and aspirations on the backburner. So …
Read moreInventions: Real Solutions to Real Problems

More often than not, invention ideas evolve and take a different shape, resulting in a solution that may be completely different than the inventor initially pictured in their mind. Change is a constant, especially in the invention world. Inventions are meant to solve a problem and sometimes those problems are ones we didn’t even realize …
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