Suffolk University Now Offers Mr. Davison’s Inventing Curriculum

If you ask future Suffolk University students what classes they are taking, don’t be surprised when you hear “Inventing 101.” While there are no specific inventing courses offered yet at the Boston university, we are excited to share that Mr. Davison’s “Idea Teacher” curriculum is included in three different courses this semester! Dr. Sushil Bhatia, …
Read moreThe “Henry Ford of Inventing” has the (Keystone) Edge!

What better way to end 2012 than by, yet again, being referred to as “the Henry Ford of inventing?” That’s precisely what Keystone Edge, an online publication that covers the entrepreneurial ecosystem that drives Pennsylvania forward, has called our CEO and founder, Mr. Davison! Recently, George Davison was featured on the site’s “Founders” section. Among …
Read moreValidating – 29 Ways to Stay Creative

We all believe a lot of what we read. Whether it’s in a newspaper or online, there’s something appealing about the published word. The following list of 29 ways to stay creative has been floating around the Internet. And, it is pretty good, but who validates the efficacy of the tips? We do, while adding …
Read moreTop Executive Magazine Features Davison, Mr. Davison and Inventionland!

If you were flipping through the pages or browsing online at All About Executives Magazine, you probably saw a familiar face and an ”oh, so familiar” phrase as you were reading! Recently, Mr. Davison was featured in the publication, which is “all about the steadfast leaders that help to manage today’s top companies.” The article, aptly titled “Dare to Invent,” actually …
Read moreFrom Creationeer Extraordinaire, Lucky… The Future of Interactive Computing is Now?

The movie, “Minority Report” gave the world its first glimpse at interactive gesture-based computing, as imagined 54 years in the future. Based on “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep” by legendary science fiction writer Philip K. Dick, the movie creates a future where crimes are predicted before they happen, using an incredibly-advanced computer system. The …
Read moreThe Noble Rube Goldberg Machine… From Creationeer Extraordinaire, Lucky

Here at Davison, we’ve designed a lot of inventions over the years that solve a wide variety of problems, usually in the simplest or most efficient way possible. Sometimes, however, the most exciting, funny or engaging way to solve the simplest problem is the most complicated. You may be asking yourself, “What is he talking …
Read moreKay Dared to Invent – Dare to Watch!

Mr. Davison, our Inventionland creationeers and one of our clients are back at it in tonight’s “Dare to Invent” webisode! This week’s episode features Michigan inventor, Kay, and her Pugz Shoes! For our client, Kay, and her two Shelties, Autumn Angel and Rough Spot, taking a December trot in the snow, with her neighbor, Janice, …
Read moreLucky’s Top Five Must Have Inventor Apps

Today, we’ve got an extra special feature from one of our very own creationeers! Lucky, a talented two-year member of our design team, and one of the stars of The History Channel’s “Inventionland” reality TV show, has sent us five of his favorite inventing apps! A Carnegie Mellon University graduate, who now specializes in building …
Read moreExcuses, Excuses, Excuses… There’s NO Reason to NOT Innovate!

With the recent release of Apple’s latest version of the iPhone and all the other recent technological advancements, it is obvious, innovation is king! So, how could someone have an excuse for not at least trying to be innovative? We found 100 lame excuses that people give to NOT innovate! We’ve picked 15, but you …
Read moreInnovative Apps Offer Invention Help – Anywhere!

Whether you’re looking to quickly jot down an idea, find inspiration for new ideas or learn more about what’s happening in the invention world today — there’s an app for it! We’ve scoured the app store to find must-have inventor apps. Without question, our favorite is Davison’s Inventionland app, which, just like America’s largest invention …
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