Temple Grandin: Inventor, Author, Scientist, Activist

Imagine living in a world of loneliness and isolation; where normal communication, emotions, and social interaction are extremely challenging or even impossible. Welcome to the world of autism. Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and affects a person’s ability to communicate and interact with others. …
Read moreSaying Goodbye to 2012 – Thanks for Many Great Memories!
Inventor of Hydro Bone Praises Davison in Letter
Simple, Life-Changing Inventions

Think of how much more difficult life would be if the world were never treated to the creations of great inventors. Without Thomas Edison, we’d be reading by candlelight. Without Ford, Daimler and Benz, we’d be riding horses to 7-Eleven to buy our scratch-off lottery tickets. And, without Dreamfarm, we’d be drinking faucet water from …
Read moreTired of Driving? Just Google It

You’ve relied on Google for years. You need to send your friend directions to your party. Google Maps and Gmail. You need to know the full cast of the Nick Nolte vehicle “Blue Chips.” Google search. You need someone to drive your car while you eat leftover P.F. Chang’s. Google drive? Yes. Google, who has …
Read moreDoes Davison Buy My Idea?

So you have a product idea and want to turn it into a real product selling on store shelves. But having the idea and turning it into something real are the beginning and end of a very long road. There are many steps along the way; such as product and patent searches, prototype building, and …
Read moreGeorge Davison Discusses Inventing, Inventionland & Inspiring Inventors on BTR

Recently, George Davison appeared on Your15Minutes Radio, which features inventors, musicians and entrepreneurs via BlogTalkRadio — the world’s largest online talk radio network with thousands of hosts representing different viewpoints and topics — to talk about Inventionland and Davison. Host Angle Bush introduces George and Inventionland: “The company Inventionland has established a dominance as a …
Read moreNigeria Gets Kids Off the Couch & Inventing

“You watch too much TV!” We all grew up hearing authority figures and parents scold us for inactivity. Well, Nigeria is doing something about their entertainment-obsessed youths. According to a recent article posted on The Guardian online, “Over 75 percent of Nigerian children now spend most of their time watching movies …” So Lagos – …
Read moreSecrets To Their Successes

To create a successful product, you need an edge over your competition. Oftentimes, that edge is the ability to create something that no other company can replicate. On your road to success, keep an eye on your competition. Thomas Edison, often credited as the inventor of the movie camera, had the Lumière Brothers right on …
Read moreDrawing Inspiration From the Forefathers of Creativity

Most who hold creativity dear have drawn upon precedents set by a handful of inspirational forces. As many of you know, George Davison has long been a huge Disney fan. In fact, on the Kiski School (Mr. Davison’s alma mater) website, adviser Andy Scott describes the atmosphere of Inventionland as being “right out of Walt …
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