Davison Inventions Dare to Ask – What, Where & How?

Every great invention is thought to have a beginning and an end. But the creative process doesn’t always stop at the “finished” product. The showerhead begot the jet-massage setting; the car begot the rest stop; and the door begot the mp3 doorbell. If necessity is the mother of invention, these Davison products are its sons …
Read moreCelebrating an Old Invention “Key” to Today’s Devices

This month, we celebrate an invention that, thanks to the many enhancements made to it, is nearly obsolete in today’s technologically-advanced world! Yes, September 1873 marks the first time a practical typewriter was commercially sold. The “Sholes & Glidden Type Writer” was not widely successful, but it did pave the way for a worldwide industry …
Read moreGolf Inventions that Go the Distance!

As summer winds down and temperatures begin to cool, we’d like to take a minute to recognize one of America’s favorite summer pastimes, the game of golf. After all, August is National Golf Month, so why not take a minute to “drive” home a few of the game’s firsts? We begin with the origin of …
Read moreWooden Wonderlands that WOW!

A spaceship to the moon, a secret hideout to stash treasure or even a castle surrounded by a shark-filled moat… to a child, a tree house can be all of these things and more – sometimes all in one day! A great imagination can transform a backyard tree house into just about anything, but don’t …
Read moreFabulous Funky Inventions from the ’50s!
Sticks and Stones May…Fight Plaque?!

Ok, so, it might be a stretch to believe a tree branch could help fight cavities, but history shows ancient civilizations (we’re talking 3,000 BC!) may have used a “chew stick,” or thin twig with a frayed end, to clean their teeth. And, chew sticks must have worked fairly well, as the bristle toothbrush, similar …
Read moreMeet the Inventor of the Cool Cot – Part 2

Like many family members of inventors, Deb’s husband, Maynard, was skeptical. When she submitted her idea to Davison, he did not have very high hopes for its success and did not expect to see a return on their investment, although he supported his wife’s efforts. So, he was quite surprised, and very pleased, that the …
Read moreHot Dog! Grilling Has Come A Long Way!

Now that the summer season is underway and we’ve all enjoyed some delicious grilled burgers, dogs, chicken, veggies and more, we pay tribute to the many inventors who’ve worked so hard to allow us to enjoy these savory treats – and with such ease! Technically, one could say that grilling dates back to the domestication …
Read moreNational Telephone Day — Evolution of the Phone

While most of us are familiar with recent developments in the telephone industry, and may even carry the latest iPhone, Droid or Blackberry models, it is likely that few may know where these gadgets got their roots and just how far they’ve come through the years. Over a century ago, in 1876, Alexander Graham Bell …
Read moreInventor’s Silicone Dessert Bar Pan a Hit

Our client, Joseph, was surprised and excited to hear that his bakeware invention is for sale in a popular home solutions catalog, as well as in two large housewares store chains. He was even more excited to learn that it will air on QVC this fall and is also under review by a major upscale …
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