Davison is Getting Pinteresting… Plus!

Late last year, we burst onto the social media scene with the launch of our Facebook and Twitter pages. This year, we’re expanding our social media presence from “likes” and “tweets” to include ”pins” and “circles!” We’re excited to announce the recent launch of Davison Pinterest and Google+ pages! And, we’ve got to say, if you haven’t …
Read moreFireman’s Inventionland Tour Sparks Many New Ideas

For our client, George, it was sheer coincidence that first led him to Inventionland… but, there were many things that have kept him coming back! “I found Inventionland by accident. My boss sent me to RIDC Park to pick up a part. [When I saw Inventionland], I snapped a picture and in two to three …
Read moreLucky’s Top Five Must Have Inventor Apps

Today, we’ve got an extra special feature from one of our very own creationeers! Lucky, a talented two-year member of our design team, and one of the stars of The History Channel’s “Inventionland” reality TV show, has sent us five of his favorite inventing apps! A Carnegie Mellon University graduate, who now specializes in building …
Read moreNoteworthy Auto Inventions Fuel Industry, Drive Excitement!

Ever since Henry Ford, who just happens to be one of Mr. Davison’s favorite inventors, introduced the Model T in 1908, Americans have had an affinity for the motor vehicle, in all of its shapes and, especially, with all of its enhancements! Today, we take a look at a few of the automobile industry’s top …
Read moreAmerica Invents Act Signed… Sealed… Delivers Patent Reform!

Recently, there has been historic progress made in the way patents are issued in the United States. After nearly 60 years with no patent reform, President Obama signed the America Invents Act into law September 16, 2011. So, how does the new law affect the invention industry? Legislators say they hope the law will be …
Read moreCelebrating an Old Invention “Key” to Today’s Devices

This month, we celebrate an invention that, thanks to the many enhancements made to it, is nearly obsolete in today’s technologically-advanced world! Yes, September 1873 marks the first time a practical typewriter was commercially sold. The “Sholes & Glidden Type Writer” was not widely successful, but it did pave the way for a worldwide industry …
Read moreAnother Davison Client Product Bound for CVS!

Another D-lightful product that we created for a client and that was licensed by Health Enterprises soon will be headed to CVS! Health Enterprises recently got the “green light from CVS” on the 6-in-1 Manicure Multitool, which will be sold under the “Portables, by Essence of Beauty” brand name. “Congratulations to our client, Cathalene,” said …
Read moreAmerican Girls Sweep Google Science Fair!

According to About.com, approximately 20% of all inventors are currently female, and that number should quickly rise to 50% over the next generation. Judging by the results of the first annual Google Science Fair, however, the number of future female inventors could be even higher, particularly in the U.S. Competing with more than 10,000 students …
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