Dr. John Gorrie’s Invention will have you Singing “Ice Ice Baby!”

The frigid winter temperatures are now becoming a repressed memory as we slowly, but surely take baby steps toward warm weather. With the summer months right around the corner, people will begin to crave something cold to cool them off in the hot temperatures. Sometimes, all that you need is an ice-cold drink to leave …
Read moreThese Products are Breaking the Packaging Design Mold

Last week, we wrote a blog about five examples of creative product packaging designs and how they stand out among competitors. So, we decided to focus this blog on brands, like Toblerone, EOS and Pringles, that stand out on the store shelves. Let’s take a look at some creative and out-of-the-box packaging designs and how …
Read moreMore Than Just an Author: Mark Twain

We all recognize Mark Twain as being a well-known American author who is responsible for classic books such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and its sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. But, did you know that Mark Twain also was a patent holder? Believe it or not, aside from being a famous author, he was …
Read morePatenting Thanksgiving

Today is Thanksgiving in the United States and this day is all about giving thanks for your family and friends and special thanks for the food that will be on the table! From turkey to stuffing to mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie, this is one holiday that is filled with deliciously high-caloric foods that are …
Read moreA Potential Fairytale Ending to Patent Trolls

On October 1, we wrote a blog about patent trolls, otherwise known as NPEs (Non-practicing entities), which are companies that don’t make or sell anything; they solely own patents. In an effort to thwart these patent trolls from buying patents for the sole purpose of frivolous lawsuits against unsuspecting businesses, the House Judiciary Committee Chairman, …
Read more‘Troll’ing for Patents

Patent trolls, otherwise known as NPEs (Non-practicing entities), are comprised of companies that don’t make or sell anything; they solely own patents. The money that is made by these entities comes primarily from obtaining licensing fees from businesses that use technologies covered by the patents they own. First known as “patent sharks,” these persons/entities, now …
Read moreThose Inventors Patented What?

We recently talked about two very influential inventors in the world of patents, Dr. NakaMats and Esther Takeuchi. They both have many notable patents under their belts for inventions such as the floppy disk and a life-saving implantable defibrillator. Now, we are going to take a look at a different side of patents; and, sometimes, …
Read moreThe Man with the Most Patents: Dr. NakaMats

In 2009, a film titled The Invention of Dr. NakaMats premiered and was centered on the famous Japanese inventor, Yoshiro Nakamatsu, otherwise known as Dr. NakaMats. This eccentric Japanese inventor goes to extremes, such as cutting off the oxygen to his brain while underwater, sleeping just four hours per day and eating one meal each …
Read moreThe Washing Machine: Taking a ‘Spin’ into History

The history of the washing machine dates back to 1691, when the first English patent under the category of “Washing and Wringing” was filed. From that point on, many versions of the washing machine were released in Europe and, in 1782, Henry Sidgier released a British patent for a rotating drum washer. Following this release, …
Read moreFamous Patent Holders

What do Albert Einstein, Michael Jackson and Jamie Lee Curtis have in common? If you guessed that they are all famous, you are partially correct. However, another common thread that these three share is that they all held a patent at one point in their lives. Although their ideas for their inventions were drastically different, …
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