Adding a Positive Charge to the World of Patents

On Tuesday, we talked about Japanese inventor, Dr. NakaMats, the man with the most patents, who goes to great lengths in order to continue to generate great ideas and patents. Now, we want to shift gears and take a look at the woman with the most patents. Esther Takeuchi, through amazing intelligence, diligence and hard …
Read moreThe Man with the Most Patents: Dr. NakaMats

In 2009, a film titled The Invention of Dr. NakaMats premiered and was centered on the famous Japanese inventor, Yoshiro Nakamatsu, otherwise known as Dr. NakaMats. This eccentric Japanese inventor goes to extremes, such as cutting off the oxygen to his brain while underwater, sleeping just four hours per day and eating one meal each …
Read moreBig Name Companies Patenting the Future of Technology

On Tuesday, we wrote about Apple’s most notable patents and other recent patents. Now, more than ever, companies are frequently filing patents for upcoming inventions. Companies like Microsoft, Samsung and Sony are making moves in an effort to have their innovative inventions come to life. Here is a glance at what these companies are currently …
Read moreAn Apple a Day Makes the Consumers Stay

Today, Apple is holding a special event at their headquarters in Cupertino. At this event, Apple is set to reveal two new iPhones, including the iPhone 5S upgrade, which is expected to come in a variety of metallic finishes and will be equipped with a faster processor. Rumors continue to swirl that the 5S may …
Read moreFamous Patent Holders

What do Albert Einstein, Michael Jackson and Jamie Lee Curtis have in common? If you guessed that they are all famous, you are partially correct. However, another common thread that these three share is that they all held a patent at one point in their lives. Although their ideas for their inventions were drastically different, …
Read morePet Invention Patent Drawings… Worthy of Picasso?

While it may not be your first step in the inventing process, there comes a time when gaining a patent is a very important step. And, if you thought coming up with your idea took a lot of creativity, wait until you must draw your idea for the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office patent application! …
Read moreMicrosoft Wants to Put You in the Game… Literally

A data-holding subsystem holding instructions executable by a logic subsystem is provided. The instructions are configured to output a primary image to a primary display for display by the primary display, and output a peripheral image to an environmental display for projection by the environmental display on an environmental surface of a display environment so …
Read moreWhat is a Provisional Patent?

Since June 8, 1995, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has offered inventors the option of filing a provisional application for patent which was designed to provide a lower-cost first patent filing in the United States, according to the USPTO website. “Technically, there is no such thing as a ‘provisional patent.’ The patent …
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