The Man with the Most Patents: Dr. NakaMats
In 2009, a film titled The Invention of Dr. NakaMats premiered and was centered on the famous Japanese inventor, Yoshiro Nakamatsu, otherwise known as Dr. NakaMats. This eccentric Japanese inventor goes to extremes, such as cutting off the oxygen to his brain while underwater, sleeping just four hours per day and eating one meal each …
Read moreThomas Edison: An American Icon
Thomas Edison was a great inventor; that is very difficult to dispute. We’re all familiar with the story that he invented the light bulb, the phonograph and even the motion picture. Those things alone would define him as a genius. But, there are many things that he did in his life that you may not …
Read moreSecrets To Their Successes
To create a successful product, you need an edge over your competition. Oftentimes, that edge is the ability to create something that no other company can replicate. On your road to success, keep an eye on your competition. Thomas Edison, often credited as the inventor of the movie camera, had the Lumière Brothers right on …
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