This invention was created using:
The Davison® 9-Step Inventing Method
Davison’s 9 Step Method offers our clients an informative experience that utilizes our technology and leverages our dedicated team of project managers designers, builders, and licensing agents who walk with inventors down the path of turning their idea in a product or app.

Zbigniew (we call him “Ziggy”) was at a picnic and saw bees crawling inside of the cans of open soda on the table. He was worried that someone would get stung when they took a drink. That’s when he got the idea for a device to seal open soda cans.
We applied the Davison® Inventing Method to his idea and enhanced. Not only would his product seal open soda cans, but it would also keep the “fizz” in the soda for up to a week. We presented and successfully negotiated a license agreement with a corporation that wanted to include it in their product line. The company agreed to pay him royalties on each unit sold for the life of the product. His invention has sold millions by units and he has made a profit on it. His invention comes in Mountain Dew, Pepsi and regular packaging and has sold in WalMart, Bed, Bath & Beyond, and numerous other big box stores and online stores.
Can Pump and Pour has sold in:

The “after” in the above case study is not meant to represent that all ideas go to market, get licensed and sell in stores and online. All ideas have their own journey. Some ideas go on to make history while others at least fail while daring greatly. Davison offers our clients an informative experience that utilizes our technology and leverages our dedicated team of project managers, designers, builders, and licensing agents who walk side by side with our inventors on their journey every step of the way. Davison charges fees for services. The typical inventor’s product is not licensed, profitable or sold in stores.
The photo above is of Zbigniew, the actual client who was not paid for his endorsement of our company.