The biggest obstacle to overcome when pursuing your idea is being willing to trust someone with your idea. George Davison made the mistake of not trusting anyone with his original idea. However, his failures inspired him to create Davison, a company that, for 30 years, has been helping everyday people develop and present their ideas to corporations.
The security of your idea is our top priority and to help protect your idea, we ask you to complete our Idea Security Agreement, before we can speak to you specifically about your idea. Learn more about the measures Davison takes to ensure the confidentiality of your idea.
The Method has helped inventors just like you with the crucial first steps in getting their products in stores all across the country. We were founded by an inventor to help inventors. We’re glad to see you care about your idea, and we stand behind our commitment to the confidentiality of your idea. Many people just like you have trusted and continue to trust us with their ideas, and we hope you will too.
If you’re ready to start your idea today, submit your idea.