Mr. Davison with Brendan Leonard, President of Health Enterprises
Health Enterprises is a manufacturer and distributor of consumer healthcare products and pharmacy supplies. Over the years, we have been developing new inventions for them, as well as, presenting new inventions that started as ideas from everyday people who wanted to get their ideas to market. We developed a good working relationship with Brendan because we delivered on a timeline that helped their organization launch new products to capture market share.
All of our invention ideas and our client’s ideas for inventions were licensed during an acquisition by the Apothecary Products, LLC, a leading innovator, manufacturer and distributor of consumer healthcare products and pharmacy supplies. In Apothecary’s press release they stated that they “…have great admiration for the Health Enterprises team and their ability to deliver meaningful innovation that truly benefits customers and consumers.” At Davison, we are glad that our work in innovation has helped Health Enterprises accomplish their acquisition plans.
Some of our Health Enterprises Products include: