Scott Nicholson, President of Xtraordinary Home Products
Xtraordinary Home Products’ strong commitment to housewares design and innovation led to the development of numerous innovations under the leadership of Scott Nicholson. Davison became their supplier of innovation, inventions, and new products to help them expand their market share and be a target for acquisition by a larger company. After years of work, XHP was acquired by the Focus Products Group, LLC.
The synergistic relationship between all of our organizations was ideal for innovations and ideas that our customers wanted to bring to market. We licensed the world’s first hard edge silicone pans that kept structure when pulled from the oven for one of our Davison customers, as well as, other baking, cooking and other kitchen innovations. Mr. Nicholson’s demand for innovation to strategically position his company for acquisition led to product innovations that were found on QVC and other major retailers.
Some of our Xtraordinary Home Products include: