Extension Pole
A Better Way to Wash the Car
The Problem:
Washing a vehicle can be a difficult and tiresome chore. Car owners, particularly those of trucks or SUVs, typically have to stretch and strain while reaching to thoroughly wash the hood, roof, windshield and other areas of their vehicle.
Davison's Better Way:
We created the Helping Hand Extension Pole to make it easy to clean a vehicle of any size. The long-handled tool has a telescoping handle that extends to 40 inches for hard-to-reach areas. The tool can be attached to the Helping Hand Extension Pole, Wheel Tuner, Water Bow and Bristle Brush, to make cleaning any vehicle a breeze!
Featured in the following stores:

- Walmart.com
- Faucet Queen
- Bed Bath & Beyond (Currently being tested in select locations.)
This is a corporate invention and the same 9-step Davison Inventing Method is used to develop each idea, for idea people who work with us on their ideas or corporations that ask us to invent for them.