A Better Way To Sooth Sore Feet and Ankles
The Problem:
Sore or stiff joints and muscles and other painful afflictions can impair functioning and make life very unpleasant, so treating them quickly and effectively is important. Conventional heating pads and ice packs, however, are cumbersome, difficult to keep in place and are often not very effective.
Davison's Better Way:
We developed the Therapod, which offers moist heat as well as cooling therapy to effectively and easily treat all stages of the healing process. The natural moist heat the warmed unit provides helps relax stiffness, improve flexibility and relieve pain. Cold compress therapy with the removable, freezable gel pack helps treat swelling and inflammation and also relieve pain. The unit has an adjustable, hands-free strap for a comfortable and secure fit anywhere on the body, so it does not limit movement or hinder the ability to perform activities. It also can be used as a head wrap to treat headaches or a cooling compress over the eyes.
Featured in the following stores:

- Dream Products
- JRS Medical
- The Medical Supply Company
- Inc.
- Cascade Health Solutions
- Diatic Medical
- Colonial Medical Assisted Devices
- Essential Home Medical
- AllState Medical Supplies
- SAMs Supply
- ATC Medical
- Parent Giving
- Carol Wright Gifts
- Convenient Medical
- Mitco Medical Instruments
- Medical Supplies 4 All
- Family Drugstore
- Inc
- Better Living Now
- Rose City Drug
- Rehab Solutions
- Inc.
- Max Wellness
- Allegro Medical
- Fletcher's Medical Supplies
- Family OTC
- Med on the Go
- Wheelchairs Plus
- Parkenna Company
- OJ Commerce
- Homeline Medical
- Wyatt Health Medical Supplies
- Wisdom
- Parkside Pharmacy
- Office Depot
- The Online Drugstore
- DME Supply Group
- This That and Everything
- Knotts Pharmacy
- Rancho Park Compounding Pharmacy
- Diabetic Corner
- Frank Bee
- Health Wear
- B & Y Pharma
- Medical for You
- The Homecare Warehouse
- Home Health Wares
- Auxi Tech DME & Supply
- Meridian At Home Store
- Stay Dry Products
- Sam Supply
- Fisher Products
- Dr. Leonards
- Health MediMart
- Xpress Home Medical
- Direct Buy Medical
- The Medical Supply Group
- National Med Supplies
- M.A.S.H.
- Med Choice
- Home Care Warehouse
- Med Supplies Online
- Five Star Home Medical Supplies
- Henry Ford Health Products
- OJ Medical
- Valley Home Medical Supply
- Online Medical Supply
- Total Home Medical
- All Time Medical
- ACareOTC
This is a corporate invention and the same 9-step Davison Inventing Method is used to develop each idea, for idea people who work with us on their ideas or corporations that ask us to invent for them.