Jar Opener™
A Better Way To Open Stubborn Jars With Ease!
The Problem:
Opening jars with stubborn lids can be a real hassle. Whether in the kitchen or the garage, straining to open a jar is not just a nuisance; it’s physically painful. But now, thanks to the Jar Opener™, there’s a better way to pry the lid off of your jars!
Davison's Better Way:
The Jar Opener was invented for everyday people who struggle to open everyday items. The vision started with just a solution to open standard jar lids. By the time brainstorming was completed, it was clear that this tool could be helpful when attempting to open all sorts of tops.
From plastic bottle lids to jarred pasta sauce lids, the Jar Opener has you covered!
Imagine having the ability to easily open any jar with a 1 – 4 inches diameter. Thanks to the Jar Opener’s straightforward design and rubber composition, you can pop the top off your jar and never think twice about it!
Standing less than 3 inches tall, the compact design of the Jar Opener allows you to store it away in almost any kitchen drawer. You also won’t need any batteries to power this kitchen gadget! Adjust the grip, and twist the handle until the lid pops off.
Click here to watch the Jar Opener video NOW!
Featured in the following stores:

- Amazon
- Jokari
This is a corporate invention and the same 9-step Davison Inventing Method is used to develop each idea, for idea people who work with us on their ideas or corporations that ask us to invent for them.