Avocado Pro
A Better Way To Prepare Avocado
The Problem:
People don’t usually like the preparation work that is needed before a dish is ready to cook or serve. Avocados are a nutritious food containing more than 20 vitamins and minerals. But preparing them can be a time consuming and messy task.
Davison's Better Way:
The multifunctional Healthy Steps Avocado Pro makes it easier to eat healthy. The all-in-one product speeds up prep time in the kitchen while saving valuable storage space. This feature packed tool cuts open avocados, pits, slices them into bite size pieces, scoops out the healthy avocado meat and contains a masher to make homemade fresh guacamole. Also dishwasher safe, this is one tool no kitchen should be without!
Featured in the following stores:

- Tools2Parts
- Hbees
- Shopping Warehouse
- Delice Ville
- Remodelr
- Outdoor Pros
- Plumber Surplus
- Farm & Home Supply Center
- The Westview Shop
- Specialty Gourmet Goodies
- Delights Ville
- Givemart
- Micha Kitchen
- Yohiba
- Buy Zone
- Antares Pro
- Lucky Vitamin
- Amazon.com
- Dollar Days
- Taylor Gifts
- Starcrest California
- Organize.com
- Bon Cui
- Grab Cart
- Picnic World
- Le Gourmet Chef
- Gizar.com
This is a corporate invention and the same 9-step Davison Inventing Method is used to develop each idea, for idea people who work with us on their ideas or corporations that ask us to invent for them.