Fill N Flip Locking Layer Pan – Mrs. Fields
A Better Way to Fill a Cake
The Problem:
Whether it’s a birthday party or for the holidays, more times than not, cake is part of the equation at any get-together. Since cake is such a popular item at parties, chocolate and vanilla flavored cake can get a bit monotonous. Also, sometimes, you want your delicious treat to break the mold from the classic round cake. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to give those traditional round cakes and their flavors a boost and take your baking to the next level?
Davison's Better Way:
We asked ourselves the same question and our answer was the Davison-designed Mrs. Fields Fill N Flip Locking Layer Pan! Not only did the flavors get a boost, so too did the shape! We came up with a square-shaped Fill N Flip that offers bakers everywhere a better way to bake a delicious cake by filling it with a surprise center made of your favorite filling! Using this piece of innovative bakeware is easy! Once you have baked your cake, let it cool, flip it over and add the filling! These fillings could be anything that you choose, whether it’s compote, fruit or even pudding- the opportunities are endless! Once you’ve filled your cake, flip the non-filled cake on top and voila! You have an amazingly, delicious cake that your friends and family will love!
Featured in the following stores:

- Amazon
- Target
- Kmart
This is a corporate invention and the same 9-step Davison Inventing Method is used to develop each idea, for idea people who work with us on their ideas or corporations that ask us to invent for them.