Fruit Pops
A Better Way To Healthy Desserts
The Problem:
Getting everyone in the family to eat enough fresh fruit can be difficult, especially with today’s busy schedules. Apples, oranges and bananas can also get boring after a while.
Davison's Better Way:
The Healthy Steps Fruit Pops is a fun and easy way to enjoy fruit. The fill and freeze system creates, serves and stores frozen treats that can be enjoyed anytime, anywhere. Simply chop up fresh fruit and freeze with fruit juice, then push up the handle to bring the tasty treat to the surface. It’s fun the whole family will enjoy!
Featured in the following stores:

- Fruit Pops
- Dollar Days
- Taylor Gifts
- Grab Cart
- Picnic World
- Yohiba
- Remodelr
- Outdoor Pros
- Tools2Parts
- Delice Ville
- Plumber Surplus
- Shopping Warehouse
- Just For Construction
- Creative Home & Gardening
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