Pizza Edge™
A better way to top off your pizza!
The Problem:
Imagine it’s game day. Your favorite football team has made it to the playoffs, and you just put a pepperoni pizza in the oven before the game starts. The pizza timer goes off right before kick-off, and you rush to the stove to grab your pizza.
However, when you open the oven door, you are overwhelmed by smoke and the smell of burnt cheese. All those delicious toppings have slid off your pizza and are now melted to the bottom of your oven. Now, all that remains is a blackened crust staring back at you.
So now, instead of enjoying your pizza while watching the game, you sit in your kitchen scrubbing the oven and hoping the smell of burnt pizza goes away very soon.
But what if there was a solution, and you could even pile the topping 2 inches high and never lose a sliver of cheese?
Click To Watch Johnie’s Invention Unboxing:
Inventor Sees His Retail-Ready Product For The 1st Time!
Davison's Better Way:
Meet Johnie, the inventor of Pizza Edge™.
Thanks to one pizza-loving inventor and the team at Davison, you can stack up the topping on your pizza and never lose a morsel to the bottom of your oven.
Johnie came up with a product idea that would prevent toppings from falling off of a pizza while it’s in the oven. But Johnie didn’t know how to go from an invention idea to a product for sale, so he reached out to Davison® for help.
Once Johnie completed Davison’s idea security agreement, which offers 100% confidentiality, Johnie was able to have an open conversation with a season project manager at Davison®. From there, it didn’t take long before the team at Davison began working on bringing this new product to life.
When it came time for the team to design this product, they knew the Pizza Edge had to feature non-stick, food-grade silicone pieces. And because pizzas come in various shapes and sizes, they developed the product to accommodate that by creating a pliable product to wrap around the edges of any pizza.
After Johnie signed off on the design of this product, the Pizza Edge™ moved into manufacturing. Today, you can purchase this product from Amazon and Jokari.
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This client has not realized a profit on this product. A typical project does not get a royalty agreement, sell in stores or generate a profit.