Produce Pro
A Better Way To Prepare Healthy Meals
The Problem:
People don’t usually like the preparation work that is needed before a dish is ready to cook or serve. Preparing healthy foods can be time consuming and requires a lot of kitchen tools that must be cleaned and stored – and quickly found whenever needed.
Davison's Better Way:
The Healthy Steps Produce Pro speeds up prep time in the kitchen and saves valuable storage space. The multifunctional tool peels, seeds, hulls and eyes fruits and vegetables with ease. In addition, using one tool means there is only one tool to wash – what a time saver!
Featured in the following stores:

- Joss and Main
- Taylor Gifts
- Bon Cui
- Grab Cart
- Picnic World
- Yohiba
- Casa
- Lucky Vitamin
- Tools2Parts
- Shopping Warehouse
- Delice Ville
- Remodelr
- Plumber Surplus
- Outdoor Pros
This is a corporate invention and the same 9-step Davison Inventing Method is used to develop each idea, for idea people who work with us on their ideas or corporations that ask us to invent for them.