Protein Server
A Better Way to Perfect Your Portions
The Problem:
People don’t usually know how to portion their food in healthy amounts when cooking and serving. Knowing the right amount of protein to serve for optimum health can be difficult, particularly as restaurant portion sizes continue to grow.
Davison's Better Way:
The Healthy Steps Portion Control Protein Server provides portion control for serving cooked meals right at the dinner table. The spatula serves as a guide for serving a typical 3 ounce portion of chicken, fish, steak or pork, and the stylish appearance is perfect for serving guests and family alike. Since the protein portion size is tucked away on the inside of the spatula, no one will know you are measuring!
Featured in the following stores:

- Lucky Vitamin
- Dollar Days
- Joss and Main
- Kitchens on the Square
- Taylor Gifts
- Central Chef
- Bon Cui
- Picnic World
- Grab Cart
- Tools2Parts
- Yohiba
- Shopping Warehouse
- Remodelr
- Delice Ville
- Plumber Surplus
- Outdoor Pros
This is a corporate invention and the same 9-step Davison Inventing Method is used to develop each idea, for idea people who work with us on their ideas or corporations that ask us to invent for them.