BagStor (Plastic)
A Better Way to Store and Reuse Grocery Bags

Mr. Davison (aka Mr. D) with the BagStor that he invented:
The Problem:
Finding a place to store plastic grocery bags can be difficult. Keeping them neat and tidy in one place can be an even bigger challenge. What if there was a handy way to store bags so they could be reused?
Davison's Better Way:
The BagStor is a product that Davison improved upon for ease of storing and accessing grocery bags. The open front design and easy fastening method enables the user to place the BagStor virtually anywhere. The variation in materials also ensures there is a style and color to satisfy both the savvy and the fashionable consumer.
Featured in the following stores:

- Dollar Days
- Storage Space
- Sporty's Tool Shop
- Space Savers
- RV Parts Country
- Tom Raper RVs
- Stalkups RV Superstore
- Organize It
- Bargains on Beaumont
- Tweetys
- Grab Cart
- LearningandEducation
- CureSome
- Unbeatable Sale
- Stack n Rack
- Dynamic Living
- Space Savers
- The Storage
This is a corporate invention and the same 9-step Davison Inventing Method is used to develop each idea, for idea people who work with us on their ideas or corporations that ask us to invent for them.