Julian Dared to Invent
Watch as the Davison Inventing Method is used to invent Julian’s “Best Stink Bug Trap Ever!”
Pittsburgh, Pa. native Julian was your everyday guy… but, he had a houseguest problem. Julian’s “little” stink bug problem was quickly turning into an infestation. He needed a way to permanently evict his uninvited tenants without creating a big stink!
About Julian
Julian Smith was your average, everyday person, just like you and me. But, Julian had a massive houseguest problem. Julian’s home was being overrun with stink bugs! True, there are a lot of bug repellents and traps on the market; unfortunately, nothing worked at getting his uninvited guests to leave. Julian knew there must be a better way! So, he took matters into his own hands and created an at-home stink bug trap out of an empty soda bottle.
The crafty Pennsylvania native brought his idea and working model of a stink bug trap to Davison.