Best Stink Bug Trap Ever Transcript
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
Meet Julian Smith. He’s from Pennsylvania. He’s your average, everyday guy, who has a houseguest problem. Stink bugs!
(Inventor: Julian)
I went from having hundreds, to having thousands. I mean literally thousands. This living room that you’re sitting in here right now, you could look up at any one time, anytime during the day, especially when the sun was up, and they’re just crawling.
(George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
So, Julian’s got this massive stink bug problem at his house and he can’t seem to get rid of them. But, he’s not the only one with this problem.
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
Stink bugs were accidentally introduced into the United States back in the 1990’s and since then, they’ve spread across the country. They’ve infested millions of homes and have become an agriculture pest to many farmers.
(Tim, Creationeer)
I’ve got two little girls and they freak out every time that they see a stink bug. Dad, come upstairs, we got a stink bug.
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
Julian’s idea was assigned to Tim. His team had to create an effective stink bug trap that could be mass produced, appeal to people that have become bug victims, and fit into a company’s product line.
(Tim, Creationeer)
The cool thing about Julian is that he came to us with an actual model of his idea.
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
Julian’s home built model was a 2 liter pop (soda) bottle with the top cut off and then, it was placed inside. This allowed the bugs to crawl into the bottle easily, but difficult to climb back out. And, to attract the bugs, a light was placed inside the trap. The outside bottom and sides were then taped to block the light and to help the bugs climb up and see the show.
(Inventor: Julian)
When I went and I checked the stink bug trap, I looked at it and I was totally amazed. I mean, this thing was full of hundreds of stink bugs, I mean hundreds of them.
(Dan, Licensing)
With more stink bug problems out there, more stink bug products are hitting the market. Unfortunately, they don’t work very well. Right now, we aren’t sure if a company is going to take a risk on Julian’s idea, because of the design and also, the rough shape that it’s in.
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
Even though Julian’s idea was great, it wasn’t going anywhere. Kinda like his stink bugs.
(Tim, Creationeer)
We gotta understand why these stink bugs have such a hard time getting out of this stink bug trap, so the best way to do that is to make somebody a stink bug.
(Clay – dressed up like a human stink bug)
I hate you. (to Tim) The light, the light is so beautiful. (as he climbs into the stink but trap) Oh, my face is coming off. (in the trap) Oh, Oh, hey, oh, the light is great! It’s great. Now that I’ve seen the light, I am ready to get out of this trap.
(Tim, Creationeer)
Not quite yet. We’ve got a little surprise for you (dumps stink bugs into the trap)
Ahhhh… My mother! My father! (as he holds a couple of stink bugs) There’s supposed to be a trap door in here.
(Tim, Creationeer)
No, we specifically made it, so you couldn’t get out.
Can somebody just lift the glass up? Anybody? There’s like a dozen people here. If somebody just lifts the glass up.
(Tim, Creationeer)
Alright. (knocks on glass) Have fun. Have fun.
Now, wait a minute… Nobody is any help at all.
(Tim, Creationeer)
I can’t believe that we built an enormous stink bug trap. And, I loved seeing Clay fall into it. Hopefully, he’s okay.
Claustrophobic… And, awkward. And, definitely easier to get into, then out of.
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
Tim’s team came up with a viable solution. Our new design: it incorporated the same tactic of luring and catching bugs, but it was simplified into two injection molded pieces. So, it would be cost effective to make.
(Dan, Licensing)
We presented Julian’s idea to Phil Boxwell at Boxwell Brothers. We told Phil about Julian’s story and his passion for his idea. And, he loved it so much, that he insisted on meeting with him.
(Narrator: George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
We invited Julian and a local news crew to share in the special moment.
(George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
Julian, this is what we have prepared for you.
(Inventor: Julian)
(Local Female Reporter)
Wow, look at this.
(George M. Davison (aka Mr. D), CEO and Founder of Davison)
There you are. (gives Julian the Best Stink Bug Trap Ever)
(Inventor: Julian)
It’s beautiful. (hugs George Davison)
(Local Female Reporter)
I wanted to ask you how it feels to go from this… to this (points at Julian’s original concept and then to the new Davison designed product)
(Inventor: Julian in Inventionland)
I never had my hopes up, but I do now.
(Inventor: Julian at home)
It really touched my heart to see that something that came out of a pop bottle could actually turn into something that people can use around their houses.
(Phillip Boxwell – PredaSCENT)
I would think that our first run would be several hundred thousand.
(Local Female Reporter)
(Phillip Boxwell – PredaSCENT)
So, yeah, it’s exciting.
(Inventor: Julian)
In life, everything is a chance. This was the first Thanksgiving dinner that I didn’t get ridiculed or laughed at because of ideas that I came up with in the past that failed. Don’t let people hold you back, you know. Follow your heart.
Disclaimer: Davison’s services are provided for an upfront fee paid by the clients. The use of Davison’s services typically does not result in a license, sales of the product, or profit to the inventor.
Copyright: Davison, George Davison Studios